Slutshaming is Toxic and Problematic: Please STOP Pt. 3

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TRIGGER WARNING: There may be some discussion about sexual assault, abuse, and rape because I need everyone to see how small problems like slut-shaming can snowball into harmful misinformation.

In this section, I will be delving more into the real world side of things. I was also going to keep my personal experiences section under this chapter, but it got too long, so I decided to have that as the final part. This chapter is important to give a bit of context to the final one, which is why I didn't want to split it, but it is what it is.

So, without further ado, let us continue.


💠 The Mentality that Crosses the Gender Barrier and Double Standards

In all this discussion of slut-shaming, I have mostly focused on the female side of the issue. This is because I wanted to emphasise how messed up it is for women to be so unfair and judgmental towards their own gender.

However, the issue of slut-shaming isn't restricted to one gender, and this is why I am now going to talk a little bit about the male side of it.

So, to be clear, I am not a man and so I don't know exactly what the male perspective of slut-shaming is. I do, however, have a bit of an idea and I will focus on what I do know to discuss this issue.

First and foremost, regardless of gender, our society is rampant with double standards and I am so over it. It divides people and it's so hypocritical and ignorant to praise one group of people for something when it is demonised and criticised in another. This is why is pisses me off so much when the bad boy in the book is praised for sleeping with every girl in the school but the girls are all slut-shamed for being attracted to him.

It's especially irritating when the bad boy is a giant manchild who sees women as slabs of meat rather than actual people and is still being romanticised for our MC. Stop. Men like this are scum and do not deserve your attention. Being hot doesn't excuse them for being absolute assholes that live to trample over people for their own pleasure. Because, you know what else is hot? Fresh, steaming piles of cow manure. So stop romanticising the bottom of the barrel. Have some standards.

"But they can be redeemed! They can change for MC and become a good person!"

So then, why doesn't the "slut" ever get the same treatment? Why is it only the guy who can be redeemed and have a gentler side for the main character? Also, if he wants to redeem himself, maybe he should meet NEW PEOPLE who aren't affected by his toxic past because it'll be very hard for him to change if the people who tolerated his horrible behaviour are still hanging around. 

Not saying he should cut ties with everyone, but abusers who are trying to better themselves should stay far far away from their victims. Not only is it traumatising, but it'll be very easy for them to fall back to old habits because CHANGING IS HARD. There's a reason our world is so messed up when working together can fix it. We, as humans, don't want to change our lifestyles. We, as humans, don't want to acknowledge that living the way we do is harmful.

Heck, there are even environmentalists who know that production of meat cause deforestation and climate change that aren't willing to give up meat. But, I'm getting off track here.

The point is that slut-shaming is done regardless of gender, and it's so messed up when guys in these books brag about how many girls he slept with while making fun of how easy they are at the same time. Like, shut up. You're the one humping anything with legs, so what gives you the right to degrade the girls who are actually willing to give you what you want?

Anyway, in my opinion, I think it's worse when guys do the slut-shaming compared to girls because girls do it out of jealousy. What's his excuse, especially if he did sleep with the alleged "slut"? It's just so gross and unattractive and the MC is more shallow than the so-called sluts for wanting to be with him after every horrendous thing he's done just because he's HAWT.

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