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Getting out of bed that morning was hard for (Y/N).

She'd spent most of the night cleaning up the disaster in the living room, and didn't end up getting to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning. She was exhausted, physically and emotionally. She thought about skipping school that day, but remembered a big test in Economics, and got up with a groan. (Y/N) threw on an outfit of baggy gray jeans and an oversized navy sweatshirt, and went to make breakfast. Her mom was still passed out when she poked her head in her room, which she was thankful for.

As much as she loved her mom, she really didn't have the energy to deal with her this morning.

(Y/N) made a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs, and set some aside for her mom to have later. The only sound as she ate was the song stuck in her head, but she didn't mind. Quiet moments could be few and far between.

Before long, she was on her way to school.

It wasn't that long of a walk to school, especially with the shortcuts (Y/N) took. Of course, she wasn't stupid enough to go through sketchy looking alleys, but she did cut across a park on her way.

The school was already packed by the time (Y/N) arrived. Some students were talking and laughing with their friends, while it looked like some were gathering around a fight.

This was fairly commonplace, so she ignored it and walked to the bench she typically sat at. Jess was already there, and it looked like Tony was too.

"Hey guys," she greeted, taking a seat beside Jess.

Tony's eyes lit up when he saw her. He grinned. "Hey, how's it going?"

"I'm alright," (Y/N) answered.

Jess hummed, observing her for a moment. "You sound tired," she remarked.

"Oh, yeah," (Y/N) laughed, immediately brushing it off. "Stayed up too late watchin' TV last night, y'know?" She ran a hand through her hair. "How are you guys?"

"Doing good," Tony answered.

"Yeah same here," Jess added. "Just not ready for that Economics test."

Tony's eyes widened. "We have an Economics test today?"

(Y/N) chuckled. "Yes we do," she said, before turning to Jess. "I wouldn't worry about it; you're crazy smart. No doubt you'll ace this thing."

"What about me?" Tony asked, in an almost whining voice.

"Oh, you're screwed."

"Rude," he said, putting a hand over his chest in mock-offense.

(Y/N) chuckled softly. The two were already boosting her mood, helping keep her mind off of things. Even Tony, whom she hadn't known for very long, had this way of making her forget her problems. Even if just for a moment. It was nice.

"Hey, who's that guy over there?" Tony asked, gesturing to someone behind (Y/N) and Jess.

(Y/N) turned around, looking all over the front lawn of the school. "Who?" She asked, not seeing anyone in particular who stood out.

"The albino-lookin' kid who's glaring at me," he clarified.

She frowned. That sounded like... Her (E/C) eyes fell upon Lev, who did appear to be glaring at Tony. So much so that he didn't even notice (Y/N) looking his way. There was this murderous look in his eyes, it kinda freaked her out. But she knew he had always been irrationally jealous, so she brushed it off.

"That's my ex," she said.

"Then why's he looking at me like that?" Tony asked. "I'm not the one who broke up with him."

"He's probably jealous," Jess chimed in. "Lev's always been like that."

"Ignore him," (Y/N) answered. "He won't do anything."

Oh, how wrong she was about that...

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•


Tony stood at his locker at the end of the school day. (Y/N) had to go to work, and Jess had a thing with her parents, so hanging out with either of them wasn't an option. He figured he should probably get some more friends, besides just the two of them. But he enjoyed hanging around them. Especially (Y/N).

Though he did hope he and her could be more than friends soon.

She was funny and warm. Always laughing and making everybody smile. She seemed really kind, too. She liked the same music as him. And she was absolutely gorgeous, on top of all that.

He was trying to figure out how to ask her out, when he was approached by a guy who seemed vaguely familiar.

"You're that new kid, yeah?" the white-haired male said.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fairly new, I guess," Tony shrugged. And then it dawned on him who this guy was. "Oh, you're (Y/N)'s ex. Lev, right? She told me about you."

"That's me," Lev answered calmly. But there was something in those eyes... something Tony couldn't quite put a name to. But he knew he didn't trust it. Lev continued, "What's your name?"

"Tony. Tony De Léon," he outstretched his hand for him to shake.

Lev took up the offer, shaking his hand with a bone-crushing grip.

"Woah, man, that's a pretty firm handshake you got there," Tony laughed, somewhat nervously.

But Lev acted as if he didn't even hear him. "You're friends with (Y/N), yeah?"

"Yeah, dude, we're friends." He was confused as to where this was going.

"Just friends?"

"Listen, man, I don't know what you're──"

"I just wanna know your intentions," explained Lev with a smile that looked anything but friendly. "What do you want with her?"

"Why do you──?"

Lev's grip on his hand tightened to the point where Tony was beginning to seriously wonder if his hand was broken. He groaned quietly in pain.

"It's a simple question, De Léon," Lev said, with an air of casualty that didn't match his actions. "What do you want with (Y/N)? Answer honestly, and I'll let go."

Letting go sounded really nice by this point, though Tony still wasn't sure what was happening. "Alright, alright man───  me and (Y/N) are friends. I wanna ask her out but I haven't yet. Happy now?"

"Happy?" Lev chuckled darkly. He let go of his hand, but Tony's relief didn't last long; Lev pushed him up against the lockers, hand around Tony's throat. "No, I'm not happy. (Y/N) is mine, got it?"

"You're crazy──!"

"Wrong answer, De Léon," Lev chided. "One squeeze and you won't be able to breathe." To prove his point, he applied pressure to his neck, causing Tony to try and fail to break free, as he struggled for air. "See? And if you give me too many wrong answers, I can snap your neck like that." Lev released some of the pressure on Tony's neck, but kept his hand on his neck as a warning.

"Okay, okay! What──  What do you want?" Tony panted heavily.

"I want you to stay away from (Y/N)," Lev said seriously. "Don't talk to her, don't sit next to her, nothing. And if I see you hanging out with her, I won't be as nice as I was today." If this was nice, Tony didn't want to know what cruel looked like. Sensing the male's nervousness, Lev grinned. "Got that?"

Tony nodded quickly. "Yeah, man, I got it. I'll stay away."

"Good," Lev cooed, and let him go.

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