Chapter Ten: Missing Ponies

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After a week of traveling in the rain, the company were more than pleased with the change in weather as it slowly improved and the days grew warmer; Thalia was relieved in the change of weather and it was clear that she wasn’t the only one.

“We’ll camp here tonight… Fíli and Kíli keep an eye on the ponies,” Thorin ordered as the company came to a stop for the night, he climbed off his horse as he glanced over at Thalia who was stretching.

Thorin had found himself forming a strange friendship with Thalia and Thorin was surprised how much time he spent talking to her.

Gandalf wandered off from the group as they slowly started to prepare their camp for the night; Thalia watched him go before she rolled her eyes and moved to help the others, she had a feeling that the wizard was going to tell them to move and camp elsewhere.

“I think it would be wiser to move on,” Gandalf said looking around the ruins of an old house that lay nearby,

Thalia looked at Thorin who rolled his eyes as he approached the wizard who was quick to suggest that they make for the hidden valley.

Thorin frowned at Gandalf as he approached him, he had already told the wizard that he didn’t want anything to do with the elves; he glanced back at his company, his eyes lingering on Thalia for a moment who was talking with Dori and Ori about dinner.

“I have told you I will not go near that place,” Thorin said looking at the old ruined house, he glared at the wizard wondering why he seemed so set on them going towards that place; he had a feeling that Gandalf was planning something that he didn’t like.

“The elves could help us… we could get food, rest and advice,” Gandalf said attempting to sway Thorin’s decision, if he didn’t change the stubborn king’s mind then they were going to get stuck; they had ruins that they couldn’t read and they needed help.

“We have a map that we cannot read, Lord Elrond could help us,” Gandalf said looking at Thorin, who looked far from pleased at having this conversation again.

They’d had it many a time when it had come time to camp and the dwarven king hadn’t changed his mind yet.

Thorin glared at the wizard, he doubted that the elves would help them, they hadn’t helped when Erebor had fallen nor when Thorin’s people had been made homeless and needed somewhere to stay.

Gandalf huffed annoyed as he turned on his heel and walked away from Thorin, he ignored the curious gaze of the company as he muttered to himself.

“Gandalf where are you going?” Bilbo asked as they all looked up to see the wizard storming off, leaving the company behind without looking back.


Thalia sighed wandering over to Thorin’s side as she had left Bilbo with Balin, the hobbit was worried about the wizard but she couldn’t bring herself to be concerned; she sat down next to the dwarf king knowing that he was sulking.

“So what was that earlier?” Thalia asked looking at Thorin, he sighed knowing that she had picked up on what was going on; he sighed knowing that she wasn’t going to let this go especially since she had proven herself to be a stubborn thing.

“He wanted us to go and seek help from the elves,” Thorin said stiffly making Thalia raise an eyebrow him, she had heard a lot of negative things about the elves said since she had started to travel with the company and in the weeks of travel it had become very clear that the dwarves truly didn’t like them at all.

Thorin frowned looking over the company, he didn’t trust the wizard for a moment and he knew that Gandalf wasn’t going to let this go if he didn’t concede to what he wanted; however the dwarf had no intentions of making this easy on him at any point.

“I get it you know… not wanting their help,” Thalia said smiling at Thorin, she truly did understand even if Gandalf didn’t; the elves had betrayed the dwarves trust and it would be a while before they ever would.

Thorin raised an eyebrow at Thalia while she looked out over the company, she had left her coat by her bedroll since the evening was quite warm; he watched her as she messed with her dinner before he cleared his throat.

“Thank you,” Thorin said making Thalia look at him, she smiled at him softly as she nodded his head knowing that this was an offering of peace between them; he had been a little off with her as if he hadn’t trusted her completely.

“It’s nothing… besides I don’t trust Gandalf and I have good reason not to but right now he’s the only one that can send me home after all of this,” Thalia said bitterly making Thorin chuckle, he nodded his head knowing that she was right; he had a good reason not to trust the elves but if he needed their help then he would have to do what Gandalf wanted.

Thalia rested her hand on Thorin’s making him look at her confused, she offered him a smile knowing that she would probably follow him anywhere even if she didn’t know why.

“I do however trust you… so whatever you decide, I’ll follow you anywhere,” Thalia said making Thorin smile at her, he opened his mouth to speak when his nephews burst into the camp shouting about ponies going missing and their hobbit had been captured.


“Are you sure about this David?” a man asked staring at the younger man, he swallowed nervously as he watched his friend mess with the rip in the world; it could only bring trouble if he messed with powers that he didn’t understand and stepped from one realm to another.

“Of course I am,” David Castellan snapped as he glared at the man that he had forced to bring him to that alleyway, he knew that this was the only way that he would be able to get a head start on the other two; he glanced behind him knowing that no one could see him.

The man sighed and shook his head knowing that if this was done then the realms weren’t going to be able to hold more people crossing through.

“I just don’t understand why you have to do this… she is nothing special,” the man muttered wondering why David was so interested in Thalia, he didn’t know much about the blonde only that she was a witch that had mysteriously been pulled from one world to another.

David rolled his eyes as he pulled a knife out of his bag and looked at his guide, he had to know that no one would stop him nor would they warn the Gods about what he planned to do.

“Listen David… I don’t want any trouble,” the man said nervously, however he let out a gasp of pain as the younger man ran him through with the knife; he stared at David shocked that he was able to do something like that to him.

David smirked as the man dropped to the floor injured, he stepped away from him and headed for the portal knowing that this is where his life changed.

“Game on,” David said as he glanced back at the man who he had stabbed before he stepped through the portal leaving the world behind him.

Thalia was the answer to all of his problems and David was determined to make her suffer like he had, she was more important than she realised.

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