Chapter Eleven: Troublesome Trolls

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“What do you mean that your powers don’t work lass?” Balin asked curiously while Thalia grumbled annoyed, she was glaring over at the three trolls that Bilbo was sneaking around the trolls; she couldn’t believe that this was happening right now.

The other dwarves were busy organising a rescue plan while Thalia tried to ignore how helpless she felt; she didn’t like feeling helpless especially since she felt the need to prove herself worthy of being on this quest.

“My powers don’t work on them because of their size… should have remembered that from when I took on that dragon,” Thalia muttered without thinking, she stopped her rant when nearly all the dwarves turned to look at her; she had completely forgotten what lay in what for them when they reached the lonely mountain.

“You’ve fought a dragon?” Dwalin said impressed making Thalia look at him as she realised what she had said, Thalia suddenly felt self-conscious as she realised what they would expect her to do now.

Dori quickly called the team back to task as one of the trolls sneezed and used Bilbo as a tissue; Thalia wrinkled her nose in disgust as Thorin quickly ordered the others into positions.

“You stay here,” Thorin muttered at Thalia knowing that she wasn’t going to be much use to them if she couldn’t fight; the last thing he needed was her getting in the way and getting someone killed.

Thalia frowned as she nodded her head, she was already thinking of a Plan B in case the dwarves plan failed; she watched as Kíli jump out of the bushes and slice at one of the trolls legs followed by the rest of the company leaving her behind.

Thalia carefully moved away from the bushes and found herself a better hiding place, she knew that if this went belly-up then the dwarves were going to need help and she was the only one who could do it.

“Let him go,” Kíli shouted as the dwarves quickly launched an attack on the trolls making Thalia wince as poor Bilbo was used as ammunition against the attack; he was launched at Kíli, who barely had time to dodge before the others moved forward to drive back the trolls.

Thalia watched as the dwarves valiantly fought against the trolls and she wasn’t sure how it happened but suddenly Bilbo was grabbed by one of the trolls and was being used as leverage.

Thalia cursed under her breath as s the hobbit being stretched this way and that; she truly wished that she was able to do something to help him and she hoped that Thorin had another plan right now.


Hurrying back into camp as a plan formed in her mind, Thalia didn’t know why she had thought that any of the dwarves would have had a plan when they were stuck in such a tight corner.

Thalia hurried over to her bag and quickly searched through it until she came across her notebook; she grinned suddenly grateful that Gandalf had stolen it from her when he had, it continued some simple spells that she could use right now and she knew just the one that she wanted.

Looking around her, Thalia smiled spotting Dwalin’s black cloak laying by his bed spread, she hurried forward knowing that she had to act quickly and picked it up; the blonde wrapped it around her and was pleased to see that it was baggy enough to cover her entire body.

Thalia then set about dirtying her hands, she hoped that this would be able to buy them enough time before the dawn came and turned the trolls into stone; she wasn’t sure how to get a hold of Gandalf but she knew that this would have to do.

Thalia then set about collecting a stick long enough to use as a walking stick, she knew that it probably wasn’t going to work but she was using what she could remember from fairy tales to create a look that would hopefully scare the trolls a little.


“What’s that?” one of the trolls asked Thalia slowly walked into camp, she was hunched over and walking like she thought an elderly woman would so that she would have the advantage.

Thalia swallowed as she peaked out from under the hood and looked at the dwarves that were tied to a pig-roast or were lying about in sacks waiting their turn on the fire.

“Would you mind the company of an elderly lady?” Thalia said her voice raspy as she spoke, she had put a lot of thought into this when she had come up with her plan; she was suddenly glad that she had studied Macbeth so that she could use the three witches for inspiration.

“Why should we?” the lead troll asked while the youngest seemed to whimper about how they could just eat her, she shuffled towards the fire.

The dwarves all stared wondering why this elderly lady was in such a place and if she had lost her mind.

Bilbo quickly tried to stop Thalia, not realising that it was her; she ignored him as she pottered forward before he attempted to stop her, she grumbled under her breath annoyed then smiled as an idea came to her mind.

“Stop your whining you pathetic toad… before I turn you into one,” Thalia cackled making Bilbo stare at her frightened while the several of the dwarves shouted at her to leave the poor hobbit alone; Bilbo backed away slightly as best he could as she focused on him.

“Maybe I should teach you some manners,” Thalia said thoughtfully still using her evil witch voice, she straightened up slightly making Bilbo shake with fear before he started to apologise; Thalia chuckled as she moved her hood slightly so only Bilbo could see that it was her.

The hobbit stared confused for a moment as Thalia winked at him, she was going to use some magic on him and would reverse it when the trolls had been dealt with; she cleared her throat and outstretched a hand.

Something wicked in our midst, in human form these spirits dwell, Make them animal’s sayth the spell. Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and caldron bubble. Turn this hobbit into rabbit,” Thalia chanted making everyone stare horrified as the hobbit Bilbo Baggins disappeared to become a rabbit.

Thalia cackled madly as the rabbit quickly hopped away leaving the group behind, she wheezed slightly knowing that she had to stay in role otherwise she’d end up in the same place as the dwarves.

“No Bilbo! How could you do that to him?” Kíli asked shocked at what had just happened, the other dwarves shouted at her in anger and what they would do when they got free; Thalia ignored them knowing that she couldn’t reveal herself now.

Thalia shuffled around to look at the three trolls, who had stood frozen in shock; she hoped that turning Bilbo into a rabbit was enough for them otherwise she was in trouble.

“So may I join you?” Thalia asked as she trembled, she knew that she had to stay in character for as long as possible; she hoped that Bilbo would be able to find Gandalf and bring him back before she ran out of ideas.

The trolls quickly agreed and set about making the evil witch comfortable, impressed only by her display of power. 

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