The Past

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Thank you so so so much for all the views! Ahhhh

The chapters coming up are going to be about how Izuku got to the way he is. Basically his past. 



Tomura Shigaraki was a young man who only viewed the world with hatred; he despised every living creature he laid his eyes on except a few.

Those few never wronged him like so many already have. Individually, they all have helped him in unique ways. All For One, Tomura's Sensei, saved him when he was lost. No one reached out to help, only passing by. Except for Sensei, he went up to Tomura and became his saviour. After teaching and training, Tomura became the successor of the greatest villain in Japan.

After the significant battle between All For One and All Might, the villain had to take a step back. He sent Tomura to live with the Nomu, Kurogiri.

Tomura posed the idea of calling their villain group, The League of Villains. Of course, the Doctor laughed, thinking it was childish. All For One thought it was an excellent idea, it sounded like something that would 'strike' fear in the souls of everyone.

The young villain thought it was brilliant. At that moment, he had everything he wanted thus far. An annoying bartender, Kurogiri, who consistently made sure he had no scratches. And an amazing Sensei.

Though, something was missing.

Tomura felt he didn't have something to live for, sure he has the league and his future goals. But other than that, he had no reason to live. He did mention this to Sensei and all he said was to go to a park and search for what he desires.

Going to a park close to the bar, Tomura sat down on a bench and viewed the people who were strolling and chatting.

Tomura didn't understand why Sensei told him to come to the stupid park until he saw it.

A dog being walked by a man speaking to a woman.

It hit him like a freight train.

A pet. That's what he needs, a pet! A pet would make him happy because he has a reason to live, he will become an owner of said pet and the pet will become dependent on him!

Whereas now, he wondered what type of pet.

Tomura watched the dog pull on the leash trying to reach a squirrel running up a tree. Looking somewhere else, Tomura saw two dogs barking at each other. And another dog was yapping at a stray cat.

Tomura wasn't sure if he wanted a dog. They're so energetic, noisy and annoying. They get their hair all over the place and whine whenever they don't get their way.

He may be a villain, but he won't stoop so low that he hurts animals. If he had a dog, he wouldn't obtain the enjoyment he's looking for.

Thinking about it, Tomura wants to train the pet as well. He wants to get a pet where it is stubborn at first then becomes compliant. Most dogs are obedient at first and will listen to their master.

He desires to be able to break the pet down to his liking. Though, he can't do that with a dog. Thinking about hurting a dog made him cringe.

Animals are different from humans.

He can break humans.


A human pet?

That's an idea.

Leaving the park with determination, Tomura talked with Sensei about his vision. Sensei was rather confused at first, asking why Tomura wanted a pet. Tomura explained his reason which made Sensei nod in understanding. Sensei said pets are a lot of work, no matter what kind he gets. Tomura ignored what he said and illustrated he wanted a human pet. He expressed his desire to mould the pet into Tomura's ideal one.

Tomura and his PetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz