The News

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Izuku awoke to a hand fiddling with its curls, humming a soft tune. It blinks its eyes open from its side, head directly against the bed cushion. It still felt sore from the rough bath it received, but it learned not to complain. Master was using his sweet, precious time to do it a favor. Now, it smelt clean and new.

Although, Izuku really wanted to beg Master to jerk it off as it still felt the rum of pleasure. It felt amazing, all the time to have its Master's hand wrapped around its cock and slid his hand up and down. Nothing was better. Well, that's a lie. Playtime feels the best.

Izuku yawned, stretching its arms and legs out. It wondered how long it was sleeping for as that would mean the schedule would be out of whack. Though, it's already funky. Master played with it this morning before lunch, left it with Kurogiri and gave it a bath. Now it is asleep.

It made it curious about what more was to come.

Izuku felt a warm hand curl around its nape, dragging a finger across the mini hairs. It blinked at the threatening hand and smiled brightly. "Master!"

It shot up from its bed and circled Tomura, curling right against his back. "You back."

Master laid a hand on Izuku's face, tapping its skin. "How was your sleep?"

Izuku leaned into the touch with a smile. "Good, I feel sore."

"That is to be expected." Tomura shrugged, looking at Izuku with fondness. "I'm going to be away for a bit tomorrow."

"Oh," Izuku whimpered, nuzzling into Tomura's shirt.

"And no one will be here tomorrow as we are all going out." Tomura took a minute to let the explanation sink in. "Are you okay with staying here by yourself?"

Izuku sniffed its tears and snot, "guess so."

Tomura hummed, taking a pause. Izuku never liked being alone; it never had. Master would leave it alone often, but that was only for a few hours. Him being gone for a day felt wrong. "I don't want to leave you either, Izuku. But I got to do this."

The pet huffed, pulling away from Tomura's back. "Okay.."

It led to Tomura scoffing, "don't pout."

Izuku shook its head quickly. "I'm not." It was a partial lie that was so obvious it was detected by Tomura instantly.

"Sure you aren't." Tomura chuckled, giving the opposite reaction Izuku was expecting. "Well, you can have some time to play with your toys, I'll be playing some video games." Tomura stood up as he ruffled Izuku's curls. Izuku walked over to its toy pile and began to continue the story it was playing yesterday. Where two people fell in love during a big battle. Most of the ideas came from Tomura talking about the games he played and their storylines.

Izuku gave a side glance to Tomura as he was setting things up. It made it curious why he let it off from punishment. Generally, Tomura punishes it whenever it lies. Though Izuku sometimes is good at lying, most of the time, Tomura detects it. Why was it let off?

It shook its head; that was something to think about later. Why waste time thinking when you can be doing something fun? Izuku hopped back into its little game, a smile lacing his face. However, there was a tiny part of its mind telling it something was off.

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