Snuggling With My Master

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Tomura hurried from the doctor's office to the bar through the warpgate. He sped up the stairs and flung open the door. All of his wounds had healed after receiving comprehensive attention for a few hours. He spent it lying on a table as the doctor patched up the gunshot wounds. He made mocking remarks about how foolish it was for him to act so hastily in the USJ. It became so awful that he said something about his pet. He attempted to flee as he was stitching him up.

Izuku was still a vulnerable thought at the time, as he couldn't stop thinking about what his Sensei was doing to it. Sensei knew his limits, but sometimes he would push them.

Sensei came to him in the doctor's lounge while he was being wrapped up. He gave him a brief summary of how Izuku was behaving before heading through a hall.

He knew full well that Sensei was gone and now he had to deal with the aftermath. He was prepared for a crying pet. Walking through the threshold, he looked around as there was no crying.

A whine coming from the bed made him wince, clenching his teeth. The lights were off. Sensei had the audacity to turn them off, knowing full well Izuku was terrified of the dark. Even if Izuku did something wrong, that didn't warrant punishing it in that way.

"Izuku?" Tomura called out, flipping on the lights. "I'm here."

A louder whine, almost like a call.

"Where are you?"

"U-under b-bed." Izuku choked out in a whisper.

Tomura could never be upset when it came to its fears about the dark. If anything, he had a slight fear of it too from his childhood. The memories were faint mostly, but he recalled being locked outside in the dark for an extended period of time.

He understood how Izuku felt about it.

"Hey, c'mon, I'm right here." Tomura crooned as he knelt by the bed and dipped his head to peer inside. He kept the hands in the bar since he thought he wasn't attractive to Izuku when he wore the villain costume the last time, which was destroyed by blood and rips.

"Master?" Izuku whispered, uncurling from his ball.

"Come out; I can't hug you when you're under the bed." Tomura explained gently, reaching a hand for his pet. "The lights are back on. Don't you want to go see it? Get out of that cramped place?" Izuku nodded slightly. Due to the dark patch, it was hard to see its movements, but with the light he could see a faint shadow.

Tomura surmised that Sensei was angry with Izuku and decided to leave it alone. In addition, he switched out the lights and left the room to go to the doctor. Izuku crept from wherever it was as soon as he departed and hid itself under the bed. A small area beneath the bed was occupied by the floor and a spring that clutched it tightly.

"No wonder why you wanted to be here. You just want a hug. Is that it?" Tomura asked, chuckling a tad to diffuse the tension. Izuku dimly nodded, gripping his hand to be pulled out.

"Mad?" it whispered.

"No, of course not. Sensei... the Grand Master is not the nicest of people when it comes to taking care of you. So, whatever happened between him coming here for the day can be forgotten."

"Really?" Izuku sounded so shocked, like it was looking at something unbelievable. Well, it was. Tomura had never done anything like that before.

"You were right that I shouldn't have gone, so I want to commemorate it as you didn't deserve to be left alone." Tomura pulled Izuku into his lap and hugged it tightly. "I love you, Izuku."

"I love you too, Master." It grasped both Tomura's hands and held them close to its chest, snuggling into his neck. Izuku wrapped its legs around Tomura's chest as he got up and moved him to the bed. Placing it directly, Tomura crawled over it and lowered his head.

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