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"I'll kill you! I'll fucking murder you! Send me fucking back!" The student screamed as his quirk triggered. "Just because someone's a spy at U.A., I will not give them mercy! I'll kill them too! Send me back! I swear to god!"

Dabi looked at him, his quirk erupting from his brunt hands, while Tomura leaned his weight on his hip. "Who are you?"

"That doesn't fucking matter!" He screamed once more, stomping his leg. Tomura watched his eyes dart around, looking at him, Dabi, and then his pet. Tomura snarled, tugging Izuku closer, even though Izuku was underneath him. The kid's eyes widened, then filled with fear and shock at what he was seeing. He shook his head, taking a step back. "Izuku... Izu, Deku, what are you doing there? I-I-I, you-you've been here all along?"

Izuku whimpered openly, the only sound in the room. It smacked its head against Tomura's leg. Its heart throbbed with sadness from an unknown origin; it felt as though it was going to cry. It didn't want to cry! Not now. It sniffed its tears and swallowed sobs.

Tomura snarled, dropping to kneel in front of Izuku. "Do you know him?" He asked, holding Izuku's face. "C'mon, I need to know, Izu."

Izuku let out a gaspy breath. "I-I-I-I do-don't-don't know-know."

Tomura tsked, "Dammit."

Meanwhile, Dabi took a step forward, looking at the kid's face. The kid seemed as though he was about to have a panic attack. His breath was coming in rapid gasps. His eyes stared at Izuku's form, not moving away.

"Stand down," Dabi said with his hands up in a look of caution. "Relax...sit down."

He shot his eyes from Izuku to him, taking a long second to understand his words. He then nodded, shifting to kneeling on the ground. Dabi smirked at how easy that was, but he knew the kid had something up his sleeve. He must. There was no way a hero student would give up that uncomplicated.

Dabi drilled his eyes into him; what was he planning? The kid was currently back to glimpsing at Izuku.

"Shit," Tomura cursed, standing up as he tugged on Izuku's leash. "He must've sent him here. He knows where he fucking lives." He dragged Izuku along with him, shuffling to the bedroom. "I'm going to think about a plan; tie him up, Dabi. And maybe get his name." It appeared Tomura had forgotten the kid's name as well.

"I can help plan," Dabi reasoned, glancing at Tomura. Something told him the kid wasn't going to run for it. After all, if he wanted to, he could've run to the front door; however, he didn't, or maybe he didn't see the door. The chances of that are low, though. Regardless, the kid is still there, wanting to be captured. It must be due to Izuku as he knows him.

Tomura snapped, "no. You stay here."

Dabi held his hand out as Tomura pulled Izuku into the hall and slammed the bedroom door closed. He rolled his shoulders, tapping the ground with his foot. Anger pulsed through his body in one swoop. He reasoned that he could have helped. They could've tied the kid up together, then planned it out. He could've told Tomura what he thinks the kid wants to do!

"Shut up!" Dabi yelled at nothing in particular. The kid wasn't making any noises, opting to stare at the ground after Izuku got out of his vision. He cursed and went down to the basement, grabbing a rope. Something inside him was hoping the kid would leave. The kid made things more complicated; now he had a stressed-out Tomura and a hurt Izuku, both things he had to take care of. Currently, he also has to deal with the kid! Some of him told him to throw the kid out; maybe that would make Tomura happy. However, Tomura would continue to stress about his old Sensei knowing where he lived and the kid knowing Izuku. They needed more answers, Dabi thought.

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