New Encounters

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Weeks went by at Izuku's new home. Master settled in quite nicely with Dabi. Due to the bed situation, he had to share a bed with Dabi; he had planned to sleep on the couch but was told not to by Master. It's been three months, and they're still sharing the same bed! Izuku didn't say anything about its jealousy from its bed, as it knew Master was happy to be with Dabi. Only then was it revealed that Master wanted a friend other than his pet. That explained why Master got along so well with Dabi and why they could share a bed together. Sure, it hurt, and it made it want to scream. However, it couldn't be that mad. It couldn't blame Master; Dabi was fun to be around.

They had arranged the room similar to Master's old room. However, Master's computer wasn't there; it's in the spare room. Izuku's stuff was placed in a newly made cabinet inside and in a closet in the kitchen. Clothing and equipment were in the first, while food and bowls were in the closet.

This resulted in new rules and routines. It had a hard time adapting to Dabi's house; simply because the schedule had to be morphed and shifted. Dabi mainly spoke to Master, only sometimes speaking to it; he just gave it small smiles and talked to it as though it were Master-like and could speak normally and walk properly. As though it were human. He'd have a solid conversation with it, expecting Izuku to reply about the incoming rainstorm. Izuku didn't understand most of what he said but listened anyway. As much as it didn't understand, it still enjoyed hearing Dabi speak to it as though it were like Master and him. It made it feel smart!

Jealousy arose as a result of Dabi conversing with Master. Seeing them together made Izuku's eyes well up with hot, emotional tears. Oftentimes, it'd see Dabi make breakfast for Master and talk to him at the dining table as Izuku sat on the ground and ate its kibble. It wasn't mad at Dabi-no—it really, really liked Dabi—but for taking Master's attention away from it, it had to disagree. It was because Dabi made sure Master had his full attention. It might not have been intentional, but he still did it. Izuku tried telling Master this, but he sounded sad and told it he would pay more attention to it. It worked, but only if it wasn't at night.

Dabi and Master slept in their beds, while Izuku slept in its. They wouldn't cuddle, luckily, however... Izuku sighed; it didn't know; it just wanted to be in bed with Master and not be forced to sleep alone.

With that, the routine changed. Like usual, it wakes up to Master shaking it, then does the morning routine; however, it doesn't eat breakfast in the room. With new clothes, having been to the bathroom in the litter box, and a hungry belly, Master leashes its collar and walks it to the kitchen. Dabi's already there, making breakfast for Master due to his convenience. Master pours its kibble, and Izuku eats along with them...on the floor.

After that, however, that's where things change. Master spent his time with Izuku, playing with its toys or walking it around the house. He rarely plays video games anymore; he opts to be with Izuku-something about the Grand Master tracking him. Dabi often left to go to work, according to Master. Although, Master never leaves the house, mainly just stays with Izuku. It guessed it was because Master didn't want to be seen by the Grand Master, which Izuku was more than happy to agree with.

There was no word about the Grand Master or Kurogiri. As if they disappeared. Master didn't talk about them, and neither did Dabi. It was a closed book.

The routine felt stretched out, though Izuku couldn't complain after it settled. The extra attention, especially during playtime, made it all the better. It still fussed, but it pushed through its emotions and convinced itself that it was for the best. Master seems happier living with Dabi, which makes Izuku's heart sore.

Playtime occurred more often, fortunately. Due to Master having more free time, he could fiddle with it regularly. More so than what it was at the bar. They used to fuck before going to bed. Now, they do it as soon as Dabi leaves the house. On most days, they would lounge around and have playtime for hours. It wasn't anything kinky; according to Master's words, it was just vanilla sex. It was something Izuku didn't mind as it was still traumatised by the Grand Master's actions. The idea of doing anything other than being stuffed by Master's cock made it want to hide.

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