The Journey Away

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Its heart rate shot upward as it came to realise where it was. First, it felt the fear of the Grand Master and ended up flinching, shooting away from the two arms holding it. The last thing it could recall was the Grand Master holding it in his lap, his cock shoved right up its hole, forcing it to warm it as he worked. It fainted; it guessed. Now, in the arms of the Grand Master, it wanted to cry. It had spent two days with him already. He forced it to sleep on the floor as he slept on the bed. Unfortunately, it barely got any sleep. It was confused about why it was in bed, but it knew not to question him. It couldn't help but shudder. The arms felt heavy around its waist. With the lights off, it couldn't see the Grand Master's mask or the breathing equipment he wore during the night.

Izuku forced itself to lay back down and settle. Its heart burst into a million pieces at the touch of a smooth hand on its cheek. "Master?" It inquired, tears welling up in its eyes. It knew that hand. They are nothing like the Grand Master's big, calloused hands. These were soft, small, and plush, and not only that, there was a glove. "Master!" Izuku couldn't hold its excitement, and it shot forward and threw its arms around Master's neck. There he was, lying with it, holding it close to his chest. Master was there, Master was there! It sobbed with happiness, nuzzling its face into his neck. "Master! Master! Master!" It continued, smiling and jittering with joy. Master sat up and pulled it into his lap, bringing one arm to its waist and his hand to Izuku's cheek. Master looked exhausted with newly developed eye bags and dimmed pupils. "Hey, Izu, I've missed you so much."

"I did too!" It said with a huge smile, leaning into his touch. "So much! I'm so happy seeing you!"

"I'm never letting you go, you hear that? You're mine and you're staying with me, I promise."

"That's what I want, Master," Izuku mumbled happily, then frowned. "B-b-but sure? Grand Master took me away cuz you aren't ready..."

"Excuse me?" Tomura didn't mean to growl. "Shit, sorry for sounding snappy," he squeezed it as Izuku attempted to flee; it, on the other hand, welcomed the touch. "He took you away because I needed to get recruits to join the league, and until I found one more, he had you."

" weren't ready, he said."

Tomura gritted his teeth, "I am ready, after all, I've been taking care of you for six years. He was just lying so he could manipulate you."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, even if he tried to take you away again, I won't let him."

Izuku squealed, getting something it exactly wanted to hear. "I love you so, so much!"

"I love you too, Izu." Tomura kissed its forehead.

"Ahem," Dabi cleared his throat, making Tomura look at him along with Izuku. "Master..." it mumbled, its heart starting to race seeing the stranger. "Who's that?"

A man with purple scars sat on Master's chair with his arms crossed and cheeks slightly inflamed.

"Don't worry Izu," Tomura squeezed it comfortably, his eyes still on the new person, "he's my friend and is joining the League. His name is Dabi, just call him that."

Meanwhile, Dabi couldn't help but smile when Tomura introduced himself as his friend.

Izuku peered up at Dabi, its eyes filled with apprehension. "Hi," it greeted, then pressed its face back into Tomura's shirt.

Dabi stared at it, eyes pinched. "Hello, as Tomura said," he found the idea of calling Tomura, Master, instead of his name repulsive, even if it was for Izuku's case. "My name is Dabi, you can call me that, nothing else. I'll be here for a while, so get used to me."

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