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"And now, in the spirits of the French Revolution, I will now count down in French before releasing the blade!" The voice declared. Millie made herself as small as possible within the chamber.
"Trois... deux... un!"

Quick as a shot, the blade sliced through the cavity and hit Millie in the forehead, but it was too dull to slice through Millie's skull and Millie was just too low for it to cause any real damage. It only left a deep cut in Millie's forehead.

Millie screamed in pain as the metal was pulled back out. She felt blood trickle down her face. Millie had to be strong. She couldn't give up now. If I stay still, it might think I'm dead, Millie thought.

She laid there motionless, trying her absolute hardest to ignore the pain. After a few moments of what sounded like the voice laughing maniacally, Millie noticed two blue eyes looking down on her. Don't move. Whatever you do, do not move.

The eyes scanned her motionless body. It certainly noticed that it didn't decapitate her like it wanted, but it saw the sight of blood and assumed she was dead.

"Oh, silly Millie, your wish came true! I bet you're so happy! Well, as happy as a dead person can be!" The voice said with a chuckle.

"I must say, the execution was disappointing, but to be fair, it was my first time performing decapitation. Plus, you're dead, so I'm satisfied." The eyes rolled away and seemingly dimmed. It was deactivated, satisfied with its work.

Millie couldn't move. She didn't want to risk the chance of waking this thing up again, but she had to get out somehow. I'll wait for Grandpa to show up. He'll come back in here at any time. He'll find me. I just have to wait.

And she did just that. She waited and waited for hours. Her body was hurting from being motionless for so long. The bleeding from her forehead stopped. That was really the only good news about the situation she's in. After what felt like a day, she heard the shed door begin to unlock. Yes! Yes! Finally! Oh god, yes!

The moment Millie heard the door open, Millie began pounding on the door to the cavity. She banged on it as hard as she could. She jumped out as soon as her grandpa opened the door, falling right into his arms.

"Woah! Millie, what are you doing in there, girlie? Wait, is that blood? Are you okay?" Millie's grandpa asked, concerned.

Millie responded by sobbing into his chest. Her grandpa was deeply concerned, but rubbed Millie's head as she sobbed.

"There, there... everything will be alright." He said in a gentle tone. Millie continued crying until a few minutes later. She sniffed and hugged him harder.

"Oh, Grandpa! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for how I treated you! I was so mean and you didn't deserve it! You were always so nice to me... and I was rude and selfish... I was a brat." Millie sobbed. She felt so much better getting that off her chest. She could only hope that her grandpa would forgive her. She would understand if he didn't. She just hoped that he wouldn't get angry at her.

"Oh, Millie... it's okay. You're 14. Your life is changing so much." Her grandpa said. "Hey... look at me." Millie looked at him. "You are not a brat. You're just at a difficult age. With all that's happening with your parents and with school... I've been there. I understand, Millie... and I forgive you." He said with a smile.

Millie smiled and they hugged. After a few moments, her grandpa let go and focused his attention on her forehead.
"Now, tell me what happened. You missed the party and we were so worried about you. Why were you in Freddy? What happened to your forehead?" Her grandpa asked with a worried voice.

Millie was so caught up in the moment, that she forgot all about the large seven-foot bear animatronic behind her. She flinched when she looked back at it, anticipating that it would suddenly come to life and kill her.

But it didn't. It just sat there unmoving, lifeless. Millie took a deep breath. "I... I just wanted to be by myself, so I hid... but that... thing came to life and trapped me inside! It tried to kill me!" Millie said with increasing panic. Her grandpa looked confused and worried by what she said.

"Girlie... Freddy has been deactivated ever since I brought him here. He can't hurt ya, girlie." He said.

"No! I know what I saw! That thing is alive! It talked to me and it did this!" Millie exclaimed, pointing at the cut on her forehead.

Her grandpa shook his head. "Look, I understand. You've been so stressed lately, that your mind is playing tricks on you. Though, I really think you should come inside. It's cold out here." He said. "But-"

"No buts. Come on, I don't want you catching a cold, and you must be hungry." Her grandpa ordered.

Millie was about to argue some more before realizing that no matter what she did, he wouldn't believe her. She didn't want to sound even more crazy than she already did. At least she got to apologize to him. It made her feel good inside. She never realized how much she missed this feeling of happiness. So for now, just an apology and no explanation would have to do.

Millie's grandpa walked back out the shed and Millie followed him out, no longer wanting to be near the large bear. She sighed in relief as she watched her grandpa lock the door.

"Now, let's get inside. I left you some presents under the tree... if you're interested." Her grandpa said with a smile. Millie thought about it and decided she would like to see what he got her.


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