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After they spent two hours hanging out and getting to know each other, they exchanged numbers with Millie. They even made a server on Discord. One by one, they all had to leave. Now, it was just Brooke, Dylan, and Millie.

"It was so nice to meet you, Millie! I hope we can do this again sometime." Brooke said. Millie smiled.

"Yeah... yeah, I hope so too." Dylan walked her down to the front door.

"I'm sorry if I made things awkward. I just wasn't thinking." Millie said.

"Hey, that's fine. Trust me, they all have problems that they need to deal with. I think you'd fit right in. Besides, they didn't seem to mind. If anything, it looked like they supported you." Dylan said.

"Yeah, they umm... they seem nice." Millie said shyly.

"They seem nice? Okay, now that's a lie! You totally liked them!" Dylan teased.

That got a chuckle out of Millie. She then remembered Dylan mentioned something about them having issues of their own. What did that mean? "They have issues? What kind of issues?" Millie asked suddenly.

Dylan's face fell. "Oscar's dad died when he was still young. Mandy lost her brother a while ago. Oswald had to move here after his town lost its only source of income. They're all targets of bullies. I think they've recently started getting over their personal issues, but their lives are still hard."

Millie couldn't believe it. She felt awful for them. Millie could never understand the loss they're going through, but at least they can all agree that the students at high school suck.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Millie said immediately.

"It's okay. They're cool about it anyway. Like I said, they're starting to accept what happened in their past." Dylan said.

"Thanks. Thank you for today. I'm really glad we could talk to each other. You have no idea how much I wanted to talk to you after our fight." Millie said. Dylan hugged her.

"It's okay. I completely understand now that you've explained everything. We'll talk to each other more tomorrow. As friends this time, got it?" Dylan said. Millie laughed.

"Yeah... friends." At this point, Millie accepted the fact that she was never going to be with Dylan. That was okay. Being just friends wasn't all that bad so far.


Millie tossed and turned in her bed. Another nightmare. This time, Funtime Freddy wasn't just killing her with one method, but is killing her over and over again using all the features he said he could use on her. She was starved, drowned, impaled, boiled alive, and it ended with decapitation before she woke up, breathing heavily.

She was scared, sweating, and most of all... angry. She was so angry that that stupid robot almost killed her. She was angry that she allowed herself to be stuck in that thing in the first place, she was most angry that this thing is now haunting her dreams.

She hasn't had one night, not one peaceful night without waking up in a cold sweat and looking around her room like a frightened animal. It wasn't just at night, during the day, she also hallucinated and imagined the bear's voice. Millie got out of bed and looked out the window toward the shed. The shed where that stupid machine was currently resting, most likely planning on how it will trap her again, if ever given the chance.

No. Millie wasn't going to give Funtime Freddy the chance to kill her. She needed to kill it. Could she kill it? It was a robot, a machine. It's not alive. But just because something isn't alive, doesn't mean it's not dangerous. It already admitted to killing people before being found by her grandpa. Who's to say it's not going to try and kill her in her sleep? What if it leaves and kills more people? It could be the reason so many people are going missing. In this situation, Millie did not want to take that chance. She had to stop it. No more nightmares. No more being afraid. No more hiding.

Millie walked out of her room and down the stairs. Grandpa was still sleeping soundly. She went downstairs and looked around, hoping to find something that can help her destroy Funtime Freddy. She rummaged through the boxes and junk spread out all over the place. She saw a sword. That wasn't going to help her much. She needed to cause as much damage as possible to make sure it wouldn't get back up. She kept looking. She found an axe. This should work.

She carried the axe and walked out the back door. She didn't care how cold it was. The anger and fire within her kept her warm. She stormed out to the shed. She stood in front of the door. She hesitated. Was this really a good idea? Could she do this? If she messes this up, there would be no escape this time.

No. She had to be strong. She wasn't just doing this for herself, but for others as well. She opened the door and swung her axe down towards where Funtime Freddy would be sitting in a fury.

Except he wasn't there. When Millie opened her eyes after hearing nothing happen, she saw that the table that Funtime Freddy was sitting on was empty. He was gone. She couldn't see him anywhere. Millie began panicking again. Where did he go? How did he leave? Millie never noticed him leave. He must be like 300 pounds! How was he so quiet?! Millie thought.

She suddenly had another daydream. But it didn't feel like a dream this time. This time, it felt like this actually happened, like a vision. Well, not really. She couldn't see anything. She could, however, feel. She could feel darkness, evil in this room. She could feel great suffering and pain from the presence. She felt dizzy from it. It was familiar. It had to be Funtime Freddy. Then, something else appeared. It was the same feeling, but it was stronger, more powerful. It felt much worse than Funtime Freddy. Millie was feeling sick from it. She could feel the darker presence... fixing Funtime Freddy. It was restoring the animatronic and its ability to move freely. How was Millie feeling this sensation?

She finally returned to reality and looked around dazed and confused. She needed to get back inside. It wasn't safe out here anymore. She walked outside and closed the door behind her. When she turned around, she saw a figure towering over her. The first thing she saw was the black cloak that covered the figure. She could see within he coat and saw that the figure's body was made of metal. She could see a glowing red light on the chest. She looked up to the face of the figure and saw that they were wearing a mask. It looked like somebody drew on it with black marker. One of the eyes was blacked out. The mouth was surrounded by... was that blood?

Millie trembled in fear. It reached for her. Millie screamed and ran back to the house. She ran back up to her room and locked the door. She stayed awake for the rest of the night, praying that that... thing wouldn't come for her.


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