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Bang! Oswald rubbed his shoulder after firing the shotgun for the 14th time. He was definitely not getting used to this. His arms had trouble supporting the gun, but his determination and focus helped him push through it. Adrenaline could only get him so far though. He needed a break.

He made sure the safety was on before sitting the gun next to the bags. Oswald decided to check his target. He smiled in satisfaction after seeing that he hit it. He saw Mandy, Raj, and Isaac nearby. They were also practicing with a few guns. He frowned. Could they really do this? He knew he inspired them somewhat after telling them how he killed that rabbit, but he didn't know if he could be that brave again. That was just him trying to get his dad back and survive. What if this was a big mistake? What if he couldn't be brave enough again?

He sighed, looking away and towards where Dylan, Brooke, Oscar, and Abby were talking. When the others met up there, Brooke came in quite a rush and now, she was talking to Dylan about what she and Millie had learned from that priest they talked to. Strangely, Millie hadn't shown up yet. Oswald decided to walk over and get the scoop on what was going on.

"So that's why Sarah died? It was all because of this... Eleanor?" Abby asked.

"That's what we think, yeah. What we do know is that she's behind... pretty much everything that's been happening since Afton died in the distribution center." Brooke explained. Abby sat down on a nearby bench. She looked like she was taking in a lot. Oswald couldn't say he blamed her. She just found out what killed her best friend. Sarah's murderer finally had an identity.

"So... she's the one we need to kill?" Dylan asked.

"I honestly don't know if we can. The way Father Blythe described her... Dylan, I'm not sure about this. I don't think we can do this." Brooke said with uncertainty.

"We have to try, Brooke. We're the only ones who even know she exists. If we don't do something about it, she'll just kill more people anyway." Dylan said.

"But I'm scared, Dylan." Brooke said. Dylan hugged her. "Trust me, Brooke... I'm terrified. I don't think we can do this either... but if we don't do anything at all, what good will that do?" Dylan said.

"How do you do it? Be so brave and determined?" Brooke asked.

"I know that no matter what happens, you and everyone else will always be there for me, you'll always be there for each other, and I'll always be there for you. We have to protect each other. That's how we even stand a chance. We need to stick together." Dylan said.

"He's right." Abby said, her tone changing from fearful to determined. They all looked at her.

"We have to kill her. Guns, fire, whatever it takes to put that hag in her grave."

Dylan nodded in approval. "We need to get ready and wait for Millie."


Jake sat there in silence. Andrew hadn't spoken at all for the past couple days, the awkwardness from their previous fight was still there. Jake felt more and more guilty about what he said. Sure, he was frustrated with Andrew, but he didn't actually hate him. He was a restless spirit like him, and Jake didn't know what he went through. He just couldn't work up the courage to apologize. How would he react? Would he forgive him? Andrew was always so angry, Jake didn't think he could even reach out to him.

Jake closed his eyes and searched the void for Andrew. It didn't take long to find him. He was sitting there all alone. Jake walked over an knelt down next to him.

"Listen, Andrew, I-" Andrew turned away. "I just want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that."

"But you did. I know you're really sorry, but somewhere deep down... you really do hate me." Andrew said.

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