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"Jeff's Pizza..." Andrew said in disbelief as he looked upon the restaurant.

"To be fair, the original restaurant probably didn't stay open for too long after the murders." Millie said.

"Let's just get this over with." Andrew said. Millie and the Stitchwraith approached the front door. When Millie tried opening the door, she was frustrated by the fact that it wouldn't budge.

"Great. Now we need to find another way-" She was interrupted by a brick flying past her face and right through the window.

"Andrew!" Jake shouted. Millie turned around and scowled at the Stitchwraith.

"What?! Do you want to get in or not?!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Preferably without you throwing a brick at me, asshole!" Millie shouted.

"What's an asshole?" Jake asked. Millie covers her mouth in surprise after realizing she was talking to the spirits of children who probably didn't even know what a swear word was. Shit.

"It's a uh... I'll... tell you later." Millie said as she reached her arm through the window and unlocked the door from the other side.

They walked inside the dark building. Millie could tell that whoever was in charge of this place did a bad job of taking care of it. Everything was dusty and it smelled like mold. It took her a second to remember that this place was somehow still open to the public.

The Stitchwraith began to wander away into a hallway on the far side of the dining area.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked, curiously as Andrew approached a door that said "supply closet" on it. Andrew didn't respond and opened the door, looking inside the dark room that had a very faint metallic scent.

Suddenly, Jake remembered this room's significance to Andrew. This was the room he was killed in all those years ago.

"Andrew... I'm so sorry. Do you... want to talk about it?" Jake said.

"It's been so long, Jake. It's been so long since I've seen my family. I don't know what happened to them. I never tried to look for them. I could've, I know I could've, but I... I... I don't even know where my sister is! I feel so alone, Jake!" Andrew wept. Jake hugged Andrew.

"Don't say you're alone. You're not alone, Andrew. I know it's sad to think about, but even if they're gone... you can't be sad. You have to go on and be happy that they're resting." Jake said, shedding tears of his own as he remembered his own parents.

"Your parents..." Andrew said in understanding. Jake nodded. They hugged each other tighter.

"It's okay... it's okay because even if they're gone... they're still smiling, knowing I'll be with them soon." Jake said.

"But you could've joined them at any time... why? Why did you stay? You could've gone to heaven, so why are you here?" Andrew asked.

"Because if I didn't stay... we wouldn't be friends." Jake smiled.

"That's... that's true." Andrew said. He knew he had to accept the fact that he and Jake were friends, and they were going to stay that way until this mess was over. Even so, Andrew wondered if they would still be able to see each other again. Would they both go to heaven, or would Andrew go to hell? Andrew always thought he would go to hell for everything he did. He was the one who caused all of this to happen after all. Would he be forgiven for that?


It took everything thing Larson had in him to crawl. He no longer had the strength to stand, so he was reduced to an army crawl, but even that was starting to fail him. He could feel himself becoming slower, more sluggish. Whatever this infection was, it was only spreading faster.

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