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It's been a little while since my last update. Since then, I've had a lot of time to think about whether or not I should remake this fanfic, and I think I've finally made my decision.

I've decided to remake this fanfic. That doesn't mean I'll just be going back and changing what happens in this current story. I'm going to be starting completely from scratch. That means I'll be making a brand new and completely separate story from this one. However, it will still follow a similar premise to this one, so some things will stay the same and other things will not. The remake story will also go by a completely different name. Like I said in my announcement, I will be keeping this fanfic open to the public so that others can still read it. Another thing I'll be changing is that the remake will be a multi-volume series, meaning there will be more than one fanfic. I don't know how many volumes there will be, but I intend to make more than one.

Don't expect the revised version to be published anytime soon. It's still in the planning stage and I want to be sure that I know what I want from this remake. Just know that it is coming, but it'll likely take a while. Until then, I will leave you with the title for the series. Keep in mind that this title may or may not be a stand-in at the moment because the title so far has been the hardest thing for me to come up with. I am leaning towards this one though because I literally came up with it ten minutes ago and it fits better than the other ones I had in my head.


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