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"And since then, I tried to keep it a secret." Millie finally finished her really long story about what happened to her, about Funtime Freddy, about the nightmares, about the Stitchwraith, everything.

"Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?!" Brooke asked, a little bit too riled up about the situation.

"Wait, you met the Stitchwraith?!" Raj asked out of the blue. It was clear that they had a lot of questions, and Millie was more than willing to answer them... even though they started piling up after the first seven seconds.

"Well, at the time, I didn't really know you guys all too well. Honestly, I still don't. We've only known each other for a little over a month, and you probably would've just thought I was insane." Millie explained. That seemed to calm them down a bit, but not by much.

"You do realize that a couple of us went through near-death experiences too right?! You could've at least told me, or Mandy, or even Oswald!" Isaac argued, Oswald making a confused expression as to why Isaac mentioned him in that way.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know that information?! I'm not a damn mind reader, you know?!" Millie exclaimed, exasperated. She had to remind herself to keep a level head.

"I didn't know, and I didn't want to put any of my stress onto you guys. You seem like good people and I didn't want to ruin a friendship that I just started." The others started to calm down a bit more and actually started to listen.

"I just... I thought it was over. I thought I could escape from it. I thought I could move on from my experience like you all did with yours... I was wrong. He got out and I couldn't just let him hurt more people. I felt... responsible I guess. I was hoping and praying to god that he wouldn't come for you, but I guess this is just a cruel way by getting back at me for escaping, by attempting to kill the only friends I've made in years." Millie said, woefully. That made the group feel bad about their earlier outbursts.

"Hey Millie, We're... we're sorry for snapping at you." Oscar apologized.

"Yeah... we were still a little shaken up after the whole giant murder bot chasing us in the woods." Isaac admitted.

"And they had me all panicked and riled up and I-I wasn't thinking straight and I am so sorry." Brooke apologized, intensely.

"It's alright." Millie chuckled, cutting off Brooke before she started droning on. As the friends started to make up, Oswald spoke up.

"Alright, I know no one else is talking about this, so I'm just gonna say it... who the heck are you?" Oswald asked, pointing at Abby who stood off to the side.

"I'm Abby." She answered. Millie sighed, feeling bad that she forgot all about Abby.

"And what are you doing with Millie exactly?" Mandy asked. "I was helping her with the whole Stitchwraith thing." Abby responded.

"Really? You trust someone you just met with your secret, but not us?" Oscar asked Millie. "Yeah, I know it's only been a little bit over a month since we've first met, but I don't get why you would tell her first." Brooke said. Millie sighed. Great. More things to explain.

"Remember that incident a few months back with the whole girl turning into junk thing?" Millie asked. Everyone looked at each other with faces of confusion. "You mean that weird hoax that everyone said turned out to be a gas leak in the school?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, none of us saw that actually happen." Mandy stated. Millie looked over and saw that Abby was looking uncomfortable about the mention of her friend. "Well, it turns out it wasn't a hoax. Her name was Sarah, and she was Abby's best friend, but then she turned into junk and was never seen again. It happened, and Abby was there to see it. She was traumatized and I found her crying in the bathroom because she couldn't handle the pain of losing her best friend on her own. I don't really know why I told Abby. I guess I just wasn't thinking in the moment. I saw her so heartbroken and I suppose I told her so that I could show her that she wasn't the only one who witnessed something strange and awful." Millie explained. Abby smiled a bit; it made her appreciate Millie more for having her back and because she was willing to tell a complete stranger such a huge secret just because she wanted to make her feel better. Abby believed that Millie doesn't give herself enough credit for being so nice. She hoped to change that somehow.

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