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"Detective Everette Larson of the Hurricane police department was found severely injured from a major car accident. Is currently still unconscious but is slowly recovering." Millie read the article on her phone.

She had been reading a lot lately. She had been learning a lot about the dark history of Fazbear entertainment. She had been reading every single mysterious event under the category of Fazbear entertainment. Online stories about people reporting supposed animatronic attacks on themselves or people close to them.

She was currently reading one that surprised her. It was about Oscar, Isaac, and Raj. They apparently encountered a "rogue Plushtrap Chaser toy" that tried to kill them. Millie had seen commercials of the toy before. It didn't look like something a child would want to play with, but it was still popular for a while. She scrolled through so many missing people articles. All of them were rumored to be related to Fazbear entertainment in some way.

The only reason why was because parents usually reported seeing a strange, clown-like robot watching their children from the distance just before they go missing. No matter where they were in the world, parents always reported seeing the same clown robot close by. Millie looked at artist depictions of the robot. It had a long neck and skinny body with white skin. Its hair was red like blood, tied into twin pigtails. It had garish makeup on its face. Millie had seen a lot of people compare it to another animatronic called Circus Baby. Millie wondered if this animatronic was somehow like Funtime Freddy, another machine programmed to kill children.

It made her angry thinking about how many lives were lost thanks to these things. Everyone else wants to just brush off these incidents as just accidents. No one believes the parents. Who would? At this point, the clown animatronic was just considered another false rumor spawned by the horrible legacy of Fazbear entertainment.

After some extensive research, Millie found that these cases began to spring up in the 90's, when the serial killer, William Afton died. Why would the murders only get worse after the one responsible for everything dies? It made Millie sick to think that this horrible legacy had continued on for decades. It all started with the missing children incident in 1985. Since then, everything went downhill. Millie understood what the Stitchwraith was doing. It was trying to end the madness and break the cycle. Millie had to help it. She had to find Funtime Freddy and kill him so that he can't hurt anyone else ever again.

Of course, Millie had one problem. How was she supposed to do that? As far as she knew, he was impossible to find. For all she knew, Funtime Freddy could've already left town and went somewhere else. Millie couldn't give up. She had to stop this one way or another. But, before she did anything stupid, she needed a plan.

A plan... Millie chuckled to herself. Even after all this time, she still didn't understand why this had to be her responsibility. Why did she have to have a near-death experience? Why was she playing cryptid hunter all of a sudden? None of this should've happened. Or... maybe, this was just the universe's way of punishing her for being an asshole. She supposed she did kind of deserved it.

Still, it felt like she was being punished by the universe her whole life. It was always one thing after the other for Millie Fitzsimmons. Irresponsible parents, a stupid first name, her best friend leaving her in the dust, everyone hating her in school. What did she ever do? Sometimes, she wondered why she was born to begin with.

It felt like her only role in this miserable world was to get beaten up by it over and over. Why? Why her? Why was it always her? It should've been someone else. She should still be miserable and alone. She preferred it that way anyway. Getting bullied sounded a whole lot better than PTSD and hunting a robot that she knew would kill her the moment it laid eyes on her.

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