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Breakfast was pretty uneventful at first. Then, Millie's grandpa spoke up. "Millie... if you don't mind me asking, where were you last night. I fell asleep before you came home, so you must've been out for a while. What were you doing out so late?" He asked.

Millie gulped. "I was just... at Oscar's house. Kinda lost track of time." Millie said. She smiled, hoping he would buy it. He didn't.

"Girlie... you know if you have anything going on, anything at all... you can tell me... right?" He said. "Of course I know that!" Millie responded.

"I know you've been... distant lately, and I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. I've been worrying about you a lot... since Christmas... I just... I don't know how to help you if you don't tell me what's going on." Millie's grandpa said, glumly.

This made Millie feel ashamed for lying to him. It was for his own good, he probably couldn't handle the truth. He would think she's crazy. She wanted their relationship to be a good one, but if she kept lying to him, it might put them back where they began.

Before she had time to say much else, the bus arrived. "I'm sure we can talk later, but I have to leave. Love you, grandpa! See you after school!" Millie said, trying her hardest to sound as happy as she could.

Her grandpa sat there and worried about what she was hiding. Maybe he should check her room? No, that would be an invasion of her privacy. If she wanted to tell him, then she would come to him herself.


"Yo, Glen!" One of the football team members called out to Glen as he was getting his jersey on. Glen looked over at the team member, Jacob. "Yeah?"

"After the pep rally, Lydia was having this party at her house. You interested?" Jacob asked. If Glen was being honest, he really wasn't, but what did Jacob care? He would be too busy getting drunk and getting in Lydia's pants. How could he notice if Glen was there or not?

"Yeah, I'll be there." Glen said. Jacob patted him on the shoulder as he walked past him. "Good man." Glen sighed heavily.

You just have to put up with this crap until you get a scholarship, Glen. He was by himself in the locker room. That at least gave him time to think. He always liked being alone. People always inconvenienced him, told him what to do, made him join this stupid team. He had to give up a lot of things he enjoyed doing to be on this team. He had to be mean to others beneath him.

After a while, he actually started to become who he was pretending to be. That girl, Millie... he's been bullying her for quite a while. Sure, she's weird, but she didn't deserve it. When Christmas break was over and she hit him... it really made him think back to the days before football, before the popularity, when he had real friends. He didn't think he'd ever have anything like that again. He sighed heavily as he put on his helmet and went outside for the pep rally.


"Attention, all freshmen students, please report to the gym for the pep rally." The principal said over the PA system. Millie's class all got up from their seats and made their way to the gym. Millie went away from the group and went through the crowd to get to her locker. She got all of her stuff and started to make her way outside while everyone else was distracted, not noticing Hannah watching her leave.

Millie waited behind the school, thinking about the plan she had to come up with for everyone else. She thought about everything they needed to do. The most important thing was finding that warehouse that Jake and Andrew talked about. More than anything, they needed to be prepared, so weapon shopping was a must. They also needed to learn how to use said weapons after buying them.

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