🌼Minsung🌼 Pt. 2

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Here's part two since I like how it's going so here we are


Minhos POV

At this point my heart is beating too fast for my own good. After giving Jisung that letter I don't know what hes gonna think of me now.

It stresses me out so much but I honestly think he is adorable in many ways how he looks away in order for me not to see his appearance when he's embarrassed, the way he talks. Just him in general it makes my life better in so many ways.

Readers POV

Minho got up from his bed for work as always. Jisung on the other hand had snuck out to rush to where Minho works to make sure to return his feelings.

Both of the boys were nervous on what the other would say one rushing to the story in a running pace and the other walking to work at a speed walking pace.

Minho made it first he said his hellos to his friends that had also worked there. They had just opened when he heard the door open, looking up seeing Jisung hands on his knees panting "I... Love you... Too, Minho" Jisung said in between pants.

Minhos eyes were wide worried for Jisungs condition he quickly ran over to the other boy cupping his face making the other look up making eye contact with Minho. Both of the boys ears and cheeks had a red tint on them.

"Jisungie are you okay?" The older one said concern in his voice. Jisung smiled pressing his forehead against the others keeping eye contact. "Did you hear me the first time?" He said before smiling causing Minho to tilt his head "No wh-" the elder was interrupted when he felt soft lips on his shocking him but he caught on quickly kissing back.

The kiss was sweet and innocent genuine love was in the kiss. Jisung pulled away but found himself again connected with the others lips again it was more passionate.

Finally they pulled away looking at each other "You love me too am I correct?" Minho asked "Duh you idiot" Jisung responded standing up with Minho in sync. Minho Jisung up swinging him over his shoulder taking him into the back room.

"H-hey! What are yo- Oh my~"


Part 3?

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