Chapter 9

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So I bet you're all happy campers now, huh? Anyways, I'm gonna make them act all romancey for a bit, just because they missed each other and they want to spend time together, so try not to vomit. So... Chapter 9 already! 

Josh's P.O.V

I woke up with Lauren next to me, with is basically one of the best feelings ever to me. Her hair was spread out in all directions, and she was so peaceful I didn't want to disturb her.

I untangled my arms from her, and gently got out of bed. The sun was beating through the windows, and it hurt to look at. I quickly closed the blinds. 

"Thanks." Lauren muttered.

"I thought you were asleep." I said, smiling and sitting on the bed up by her.

She put her head on my shoulder, and I gently brushed some of her hair from her face. She chuckled. "I always wake up when you get up. The bed feels weird when you get up." she said.

I smiled and kissed her. "We have to go to the studio." I said. 

I got up again, and grabbed whatever was clean off my floor. Lauren leaned against the wall tiredly, and laughed.

"I leave for three weeks and nobody does the laundry. Typical." she laughed. 

I pulled my shirt over my head, grabbed my phone, gave Lauren a quick kiss, then went downstairs to go to the studio with the guys.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I wrapped the blanket around me so it looked like a dress. That was always a habit. When I was a kid I would wrap a blanket around me and walk around announcing I was Princess Lauren. 

I went downstairs to get a drink, then I curled up on the couch. I turned on my phone, and saw I had three new texts.

You and Josh r back 2gether? I don't have to break up wt Matt? YESSSSSSS! -Dani

You and Joshua are back together? Good for you sweetheart. -Mom


I rolled my eyes. People I know are so weird. I sneezed, and you now that feeling you sometimes get when you sneeze and your throat gets really sore? Well it happened to me. 

(A/N : That probably doesn't happen to 99.99% of you, but once I sneezed, my throat got super sore, and I got a head cold for a week. It was like, a head cold I got in three seconds.)

I groaned, but chose to ignore it. I had had sore throats and stuff before, and they went away before I actually got sick.

Eventually I fell asleep on the couch.

Josh's P.O.V

When we came home, Lauren was asleep on the couch. I smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"Hi." she yawned. "How was the studio?" 

I smiled and sat down next to her. She cuddled into me. "It was good. Ian accidentally knocked over a table, and Matt and Kevvy had a reunion, so it was good." I said.

She clapped half heartedly. "Hurray! Kevvy is the best." she said.

I looked at her, and I realized she seemed paler. She smiled at me before she started coughing. "Lauren, are you feeling alright?" I asked.

"I don't know!" she moaned. "I sneezed earlier and after that my throat felt sore and I felt like crap."

I stuck my bottom lip out and smirked. "Awww Laureyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." I said, pulling her towards me.

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