Chapter 15

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Okay, the ring that I posted in the last chapter IS NOT the ring I described. I just wanted to put a picture there because I hadn't put a picture in a chapter for a while. But the ring is small, silver, and the treble clef is ATTACHED to it, not made from it, with a small light baby blue diamond on the bottom part of it. That ring doesn't exist, but it's the ring I want to be engaged with someday, so that's the ring. I'll repeat. The ring in the last chapter IS NOT (NOT) the real ring I'm talking about. It is just SIMILAR.

I curled up on Josh's lap and put my head on his shoulder. He laced his arm around my back and twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers. 

I looked at the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. It was one of Josh's guitar strings, twisted into a ring shape. It almost looked wielded on one end, to stop the metal from cutting my finger.

Then with another piece of silver guitar string, it was twisted into a treble clef. Then on the tail of the treble clef, it was kinda twisted into a small basket that held a light baby blue jewel. 

I looked up at Josh and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my nose. I giggled. 

"This just proves my point. This is so perfect, I don't want things to change." I said. He chuckled. 

"I know. And it won't. I swear." he said.

"Pinky promise?" I asked. He laughed. 

"Pinky promise." he said. "You see, we'll just be the most childish adults ever." 

I smiled. "Can Icky and Bennie and Tux and Anemonie come as our 'kids'?" I asked. 

"Of course. 'Cuz, they are!" he said, ruffling my hair. I laughed. 

Eventually we decided to start watching movies. I wanted to watch horror movies, and Josh agreed, also by making a few comments on how most girls he knew liked watching sappy girly movies. I like watching horror films. 

First up was Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. We watched that for a while, then the guys came home. 

"Hi." I said when Matt came in the living room. 

"Hey. Guess what?" he asked. 

"What?" I asked. Josh gently moved me over to the side and got up to get a drink. 

"Nicole's coming home!" he said happily. I raised an eyebrow. 

"I thought you hated Nicole now." I said. He smiled. 

"At first I did, then you told me about how she was in a car crash all those years ago, and I thought What are the odds that she was in a car crash? Those things hardly ever happen to someone close to you. Then you and Josh were in a car crash, and I realized those things CAN happen and it DID. We made up, and she's coming home today!" he said. 

I smiled. "Well I'm happy for you, 'cuz she's also a good friend of mine." I said. 

He laughed and ruffled my hair. He got up and left, just as Josh came back. He had his Coke Zero in his hands, and he pulled me onto his lap again. I cuddled into him. 

I looked at the front of my arm, then the back. I made a fist with my arm, and I winced. "I feel like a mummy." I said, starting to un-wrap the bandages. 

Josh stopped me, and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Please don't take the bandages off. Just keep them on until your arm is better." he said. "I don't want you to get anymore hurt then you already are."

"I'm hardly even hurt. I have four stitches on my stomach, a sprained wrist, and a bone that's hardly even broken in my arm. You're a lot worst." I said. 

This Is The Primetime (Sequel To "Try Not To Fall For The Blue Haired Douche")Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon