Chapter 12

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My mouth gaped a little. This had to be a joke. I turned and saw Josh was on one knee, with his hand up like he had done in so many of his videos. 

I put my hands to my mouth, and nodded. Josh grinned like an idiot, sprouted back up, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. 

Matt, Mike and Ian appeared of heaven knows where and cheered. 

"What about your fans? They'll have a heart attack when they realized your getting married." I asked.

Josh smiled. "Mike's been married for years now, and girls still love him. I don't think it will change." he said. 

I smiled. And then..... I woke up. 

I groaned and rolled over in the white sheets. Josh had one hand behind his head, and was lying above the sheets. 

"You okay? You kept mumbling things in your sleep." Josh said. 

"I'm fine. What are you watching?" I asked. I squinted and tried to look at the TV, but I was too tired. 

"I'm just flicking through TV channels. First it was the first five seconds of a stupid bridal show where they purposed, then another show Gene Simmons Family Jewels, talking about their wedding, and then I settled on Much." he said. 

I shrugged. "Cool." I said, flipping back over. 

He leaned over and kissed my cheek, causing some of his hair to tickle my nose. "Oh no, you aren't going to sleep again." he said, putting his arms under the blankets and lifting me out of them.

"Whhyyyy?" I whined. 

"Because you fell asleep at 7 last night, slept the WHOLE night, and it's almost 2 o'clock. No more sleeping for you." he said. 

I laughed and we kinda just sat there for a second. It was kinda awkward due to the fact I was sitting on his lap, he was in his boxers and I was in my panties and bra. 

"Yo lovebirds! You up yet?" Mike called from downstairs. 

"Why?" we both called back. 

"We're going out to lunch!" Ian called. 

"It's almost 2 o'clock!" Josh called. 

"We know! We were waiting for you two to wake up! Now put some fucking clothes on, get your royal arses down here, we're starving!" Matt said. 

We both blushed, knowing Matt knew we weren't dressed. I put my red earrings on, a pink tank top, a black loose top, shorts and my flat sandals.

I mixed my two favorite (and only) lip glosses together, vanilla and reeses. Well, my favorite was the reeses, but Josh liked the vanilla one. We always settled on mixing them. 


I looked at Josh and smiled, and he put his arm around me as we went downstairs. The boys were all waiting.

"Took you long enough." Ian laughed, as we all went outside. 

The boys refused to tell me where we were going, so I started texting Shai. She told me mom was still upset with me, and she had a surprise for me. I asked what, and she told me to call her. 

"TELL ME!" I exclaimed when she picked up. She chuckled a bit. 

"You like Mitch Lucker right?" she asked. 

"YES." I said. The boys looked at me, giving me weird looks. I was practically crying with anticipation. 

"Well, the lawyer thing isn't really working out so I had to become a babysitter, and because both of my siblings are famous, the kid I'm babysitting is a girl named Kenadee Lucker." Shai said. 

This Is The Primetime (Sequel To "Try Not To Fall For The Blue Haired Douche")Where stories live. Discover now