Void overflow

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It's 12:00pm and my eyes won't shut. I open the window shades so that the sun can bleed through. Outside I can hear the hum of the forcefield, and in the distance the sounds of the creatures prowling around. Most of them are nocturnal, but there is always a few that prowl outside at all times waiting for the force field to fall.

I glance at the watch attached to my wrist and tap it. A projected screen is projected pin front of my eyes now, glowing faintly because of the sunlight.
I decide to browse through the options we're given to use.

There's a tab devoted to textbooks. I see a tab for writing. There is a calculator and available reading material at the bottom. I scroll down to the available reading material.

When the war broke out 20 years ago the creatures burned down the physical libraries along with destroying the library storage for software at the time. A lot of literature from alasia is now buried in long forgotten ash. Since then the libraries have put in a combined effort to recreate very important documents.
The small screen blazes in white. I click an x and am surprised to find the collection of books beyond.

There's a book about magical plants.
There is a book of all of the animals and creatures in this dimension.
There is a book about the history of the council and the role of government now.
There is a series of short stories we all heard when we were kids.
There are books about the other world.
I sigh and am about to close the book tab when my eyes catch the book of the list of known powers in the dimension. I never knew that there was a limit.
I flip through the pages looking for a specific type.
Energy givers.
So far in my research of ken's illness I've found he is losing power from within himself. It's rather odd, but the longer he lives the more noticeable it is in his blood. Theres no way anyone could know without drawing his blood but when he gets his crystal his powers will be fully manifested and Whatever has been eating his raw power will have the main dish put out in front of them. I don't know what will happen when it's all gone. I mean there's only so much raw power we are born with before it'll start eating away at his health without his powers.
I flip through the 2d pages. I pass the fire variety section, water, earth, sky, blanks, onward and onward it goes but nothing I haven't seen before.
Sometimes it's a pain being a bored mad scientist. I smile to myself. It's a bad joke.

I sigh and go back to the set of books available to look for anything else that could be helpful.
Finally after several books about healing remedies my eyes find a book dated to before the war. It's mostly apothecary knowledge. Drawings of plants. It's gotta be a hundred years old at least.
I flip through the digital pages for anything helpful. There's varieties of colds, different body deforming diseases, there's even one for translators that get stuck as guardians. And then my eyes find something peculiar. It's near the end of the list. I guess I missed it before.
Void overflow.
My brows furrow. I know what a void is, but... I haven't heard of this before.

A void in the possession of a power that absorbs energy, in essence a black hole. Unfortunately if a void's power becomes too much for their physical body it will eat them alive, just like a black hole. It has an unknown origin and ways of triggering it vary. Let it be noted in this book that no one should go near them. Someone dying of this disease will not regenerate once they are completely consumed.

My heart thuds in my ears as my hands desperately search for more. There's a sinking feeling in my stomach. That sounds just like it. But how? He's not a void.
I keep searching for anything. For something. Even just one more sentence.
But there's nothing.
That tiny paragraph is it.
I don't want to give up but after a few fruitless hours my eye lids are getting heavy.
I flip back to the front of the book to see the date it was written. I was right it's 150 years old.
I sigh discontented and turn off my watch. Where else am I going to find stuff on diseases?
I then roll over so that my eyes can look towards the window. I watch the undulating iridescent surface of the forcefield until the sun sinks into the earth.

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