I dont want to die

2 1 0

Luke pov

My eyes dart left and right, waiting for the next attack. My mind is a blur of panic and survival instincts. I've practiced for so many hours for this one point in time. All of the training we did with rose outside of class is paying off though. Most times after the teachers go to the ceremony so it'll be nice to show rose how her work paid off.

A griffy is slithering towards me. I'm reminded of when one almost killed me before. The feeling of helplessness. I'm not helpless now. Another weapon I've aquired during the school year is a whip, a thorned one. I use it now, weaving it through the air in a delicate deadly spiral. It's a rough way to go.

The griffy falls in pieces on the floor as I scream.

Behind me a menta has grabbed my shoulder in his locked jaws. He throws me as I feel the crunch of my bones hitting a tree.

The wind is knocked out of me and my shoulder is crushed. Hot blood trickling down my arm. I have to live. I have to live. I cant move that arm as the creature descends upon me.

I take the whip in my good arm and whip it around his leg, the thorns grip into his body and when I pull the creature falls to the ground. I stand up, my other arm limp at my side. I change the option on the rotatable section at the handle of The whip. It now has the edge of a sword to one side. While the creature is on the ground fighting to get up I whip it across his neck, watching the head sever from his body. Dark black blood explodes around him. It reminds me of Ken beheading the Menta at the beginning of the school year. That is so distant from this moment.

I look around to make sure there are no creatures nearby as I reach into my pocket with my good arm. I produce a bottle of liquid in a small plastic bag. It's supposed to be easy to get open with my mouth. I tear it open with my teeth and let the contents douse onto my shoulder. The pain fades away as the concoction heals me.

I sigh in relief. Two more creatures and I can return to the shuttle. I keep pushing towards the exit to the forest as I hear the flit of wings above me. My whip is out in a second, my hand rotating the dial to the thorns setting again as I bring the bird to the ground and let it's neck snap on impact.

It's a gruesome sight to look at but it needs to be done. Either they die or I do. And I can't afford to fail the final now, not when I'm so close to finishing.

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