A hard pill to swollow

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My hands hurt like hell. Kally has to melt the ice around my hands which takes super long because it's thaw ice.
As she does this I watch members of the crowd turn towards the back of the party cave.
I guess they already found her.
Finally, I pull my hands free smiling at Kally as we step towards the back.

Everyone back here is pushing to get closer to the closet in the back.
Then I hear Terrence's voice from the interior of the closet.
"I've got her, now move it people," he snarls pushing through the crowd. I can see his head above them. I weave through the gobs of people to get closer. And then I freeze.
Only it's not ice that's keeping me there.
Through the years I've let a lot of my frustration out on those around me. I know I do that. It's been that way since I was a kid. I didn't want pity for not having parents. I didn't want my competition to go easy on me because they didn't think I was up for it. I pushed every boundary, broke every rule. I did anything I needed to do to maintain my reputation. I needed the advantage of the fear I gave them. All so I could win. But right now this doesn't feel like winning at all.
Katie's powersuit is shredded, and blood and bruising blooms in the gaps.
She's shaking as her hands clamp around Terrence's neck.
Kassie is standing next to me now.
"Nice going Ken, i bet this is exactly what you wanted," she says. I look down, and never before have I seen so much disappointment look back.
I push towards Terrence now but Amy cuts me off.
"Get away," she growls.
"I know where you should take her," I say for Terrence to hear. Terrence looks confused and then his face relaxes.
"Luke you go with them, I'll stay back with kally," Luke steps away from me and towards Terrence.
Terrence looks torn in anger and confusion as he looks towards the crowd now forming. He nods slightly and steps away, Katie in his arms.
I feel a hand on my arm.
"What are you doing?" It's Kally.
I shake my head and then trudge back into the crowd.
"Who won karaoke night?!" Im headed towards the stage talking as loud as my lungs will go.
The crowd's eyes linger as Katie is taken away.
"Why do you guys care about some blank from east dorm? Hopefully she'll take the hint and drop out,"
The crowd turns back towards me. I've got their attention now.

It takes me another two hours to make sure the chatter stays low and no one goes to check on what happened.
And then another hour for everyone to head back to the dorms.
I look down at my watch and see the time. There's thirty minutes left before everyone must be in their individual rooms.
I gulp as I head out of the door. I'm headed in the opposite direction of the room I know Terrence took her to. I just have to pray she'll get back to her room on time.
There's no saying what consequence would be awaiting them if they stay out after the doors lock.
"Ken!" Kally is by my side.
"What are you doing?" We're almost at the dorm now.
"What do you mean?" I say, quickening my pace.
"You protected her!"
I look over at her.
"No I didn't. They found her. I just made sure she got back to her dorm in one piece."
"On piece? Why do you even care? Why did you distract everyone else? Why didn't you just let them follow her? She could have been out of the school by now," it's dawning on me that she's right.
Usually I'd be overjoyed that there was one less body to compete with. So why am I feeling the opposite?

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