Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Her Reason Why

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Chapter 11: Her Reason Why

(This chapter will feature Taehyung's point of view)

4 years ago...

"Taehyung, I don't wanna sing, I-I'm..."

My brows furrowed. "You're what?"

"Afraid." She replied as she looked down.

I sighed. I really don't know what's with her. I mean, I even once heard her voice, and I can really say that she's wonderful whenever she sings. She can actually share her talent.

What's stopping her?

I heard Jeongyeon's sobs. Wait, why is she crying? What's wrong. I panicked, and immediately caressed her back and whispered. "What's wrong?"

She covered her face with her palms. I'm getting worried with her actions. I'm not forcing her to participate and sing, but I'm also curious why her reaction is like this.

My best friend finally raised her head, and looked at me. She even removed her glasses, just to make sure that it wouldn't be wet cause of her tears. She slightly closed her eyes.

"B-back then w-when I was 8 years old, I was kidnapped."

I was surprised when she opened up that she's been kidnapped. I mean, we're best friends, but I never knew about this. She hasn't told me this one before.

"W-what happened back then?" As much as possible, I don't wanna ask her. I'm afraid that the past may trigger, but curiousity ate me up.

I looked up. "They asked me to sing while they're calling my parents. I don't know what's their reason why. All I know is 'kidnap-for-ransom' is their motive of kidnapping me. Maybe they asked me to do that, just to scare my parents?"

She choked a little. "Gladly, my parents was able to retrieve me back, without spending even a little cent from our money. I was so happy back then, but the trauma is still there."

"I rarely sing. I don't really sing, especially when I'm in front of everyone. Sometimes, I only sing by myself."

She smiled at me, even though her eyes were sparkling because of tears. "And when I do, it only means that I'm sad."

I just listened to her. I didn't know what would I respond. If I only knew about her back story earlier, then I wouldn't have open up this traumatizing topic for her.

I pulled her into a hug. I warm, and comfortable embrace is all that I could do to make her feel better.


"Thank you for volunteering, Miss Yoo!" Ms. Jang exclaimed, that made me wake up from my consciousness. Did I heard it right? "I once heard your voice. It was deep, but calming and stable as well."

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