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Year 2028

"How's your business going, son?"

The man chuckled and snaked his arms around his mom's shoulders. "I'm doing fine, mom. I guess, owning a coffee shop isn't bad after all."

"But, you're still pursuing your dream? Aren't you?"

Taehyung sighed and nodded. He looked from afar. "Yes... well, ever since I stepped my feet at school, you know that I always wanna be a doctor." He chuckled lightly.

There's a reason why he wasn't able to pursue his dream to become a doctor. The very first reason, was lack of expenses. They're not that rich, or poor. He belongs to a middle-class family.

But, the expenses in studying medicine is quite pricey. And it also takes a lot of time. Taehyung wants to save some earnings for now, then proceed from taking medical classes.

Then, he decided to start a little business on his own. A coffee shop. Well, it seems like lady luck was on his side, because his little business turned out into a success!

"Aww, my baby is now a grown-up man," his mom wholeheartedly complimented as she ruffled her son's hair. "I'm so proud of you."

His mom's words touched his heart. Taehyung silently wiped his tears away, as he hugs his mother. "Aish, mom. Don't make me cry..."

His mom laughed. "You still haven't changed one bit, aren't you?" He nodded. Mrs. Kim smiled at his son. As them made their way to the table. "Don't you miss her?"

Taehyung became silent for a minute. It's been 9 years since the last time he saw her. He nodded. "I do. I really miss her, mom."

Their orders has been served, and he thanked one of his staffs who served their coffees. "It's been years already, since the last time I talked and I saw her. And... maybe she's already happy? Nevertheless, wherever she is, I'm happy for her."

He felt that his eyes become a bit heavy.

Maybe, she doesn't want to see me anymore. I thought that I could finally tell her what do I feel, once she return... but, it seems like there's no more chance?

Why do we always hold on second chances, without thinking that what if, there's no more chance.

I know, I should've told her from the start. But now, I guess I should accept the fact that maybe she have already forget about me, and her feelings for me, already faded away...

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