Chapter 12

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A/N: Hi guys! So I might drop another story before SMBF ends (probably jeongmin) hehe.

A/N: Hi guys! So I might drop another story before SMBF ends (probably jeongmin) hehe

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Chapter 12: Confused or In denial?

(This chapter will feature Taehyung's point of view)

As I was passing by, I couldn't help but to remember what happened when we both bumped into each other. Three days had already passed. Three days.

But, it's still fresh in my memory.

I slightly shook my head to keep that thought away. I couldn't let myself be clouded with a lot of thoughts again. Enough.

Again, as I was passing by, I saw some students — those are my classmates — who are busily murmuring and gossiping near at the music room. I nonchalantly shrug and went on... not until I heard what they said.

"She has a deep and stable voice!"

"Honestly, her voice added another 8 years in my life."

"I can't wait to hear her sing at the event! It's her time to shine, and show her talent to everyone!"

"I heard that she'll be singing a Japanese song?! Is she good at Japanese? Nevertheless, I can imagine that this is going to be cool!"

I furrowed my brows, and my facial expressions clearly saying how confused am I right now. Wondering, who is the person that they're talking about?

I continued walking, but the thing is, it feels like there's something that is stopping me from doing so. It's like, I need to know and check who is it.

Is it Jeongyeon? Why do I feel like it's her?

I excused myself, and I'm really thankful that they gave some space for me. I pinned my head at the door, only to realize that there she is. She's been mentored by her vocal coach. Wow.

"Taehyung, her coach might see us!" One of my classmates, Suho told me, and pulled me away. "Jeongyeon's mentor is a scary woman. She might slam those guitars to you."

I smiled awkwardly a si scratch my nape. "I-I didn't know, my bad."

He pulled me out of the crown, and whispered. "Your pretty best friend has a great voice! Beauty and brains + talent! What an all-arounder!"

I really have nothing to say, so I just replied with a smile. Well, his compliments for Hetti — Jeongyeon is really accurate. And, I can't tell him otherwise.

"No wonder why you have fallen for her." My eyes went wide in shock. What's wrong with people these last few days? He chuckled "Why are you having that horrifying face, Kim Taehyung?"

Suho gave me a teasing look when he heard me cleared my throat. Issue, again? "Just tell her what you genuinely feel towards her. I'm pretty sure that she also feels the same."

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