Chapter 7

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It had been several months since Dean had died, and Sam was only able to cope because of Harry, who had shown up a few days after. Harry was able to keep Sam from his funk by keeping him on the trail of several monsters that needed to be dealt with. He was barely able to keep that demon girl from latching her claws into him.

Recently though, Harry had been getting the feeling something big was about to happen.

That feeling finally ended when he heard a knock on the door.

"Was wondering when you would pop up. Welcome back Dean."

"How did you know...?" started Dean, but Harry cut him off.

"It took that winged idiot long enough to find you...Loki tipped me off," was all Harry said in answer.

"How would Loki know I would be back?" asked Dean.

"Long story short, there's a few things you two idiots haven't picked up on yet that most people have. One of which is that neither of you will stay dead for very long because Lucy and Mikey wouldn't have it."

"Lucy? Mikey?" said Sam, before he stopped short at the sight of Dean.

"I told you he would be back. Why else would I track you down to keep you from wallowing in misery alone?"

"I don't...How did you know?"

"Alright, both of you sit down. The short version is that there is a war coming and you two fools are right in the heart of it. Unlike most of the research monkeys, I happen to prefer being on the front lines, hence why I started talking to you Sam. One of the big things is that you two were unfortunately tapped as Vessels for two angels, specifically Lucifer and Michael. Two guesses which of you gets to play what part."

"How do you know?" asked Dean.

"Nostradamus foretold the coming of the vessels and the fall of the seals that hold Lucifer in the pit. It took a while but eventually all the signs started showing up saying that the Winchester brothers were the ones tapped for the job. The end result is that neither of you will stay dead for very long before someone drags your sorry asses back."

"So who dragged me back?"

"All I know from Loki was that an angel was sent to bring you back, not sure which but I'm guessing one of the rare ones that isn't a total ass."

"Why would this Loki know so much?" asked Bobby. It was the one thing he couldn't figure out.

"He would rather me not spoil the surprise, if I know my big brother."

"Why do you call him that anyway? I mean you aren't related to him as far as we can tell," said Sam.

"Simple. He's one of the closest things I've ever come to in terms of being an older brother, and that's not counting the twins. Plus he's always there for me and it confuses the hell out of others."

"So what now?"

"Now we wait for the cranky angel to come here and tell you the same things I did."


They drove to a nearby psychic, and Harry warned her that it was an angel who did the grabbing, but they had no idea which one.

It only took her five minutes to find out.

"Castiel? Figures...he's a bit of a drone if what I've heard was right," snorted Harry.

"How do you know it was an angel?" asked Bobby.

"Want the long or short answer?"


"I don't deal with demons, but with angels. Or rather one angel since for some reason the others dislike me. No idea why, seeing as how I try to avoid sinning," said Harry.

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