Chapter 21

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Bree was coming back from the grocery store when he was confronted not by a demon, but something much more powerful.

An angel, specifically Zachariah.

"You're the abomination. I don't see why that fool Castiel puts up with your existence," said the angel.

"And you're the biggest dick with wings since Lucifer fell. What's your point?" said Bree flatly. He could handle Zachariah, but he didn't want the stigma of killing an angel.

"My point you little shit is that we aren't tolerating your existence anymore," said Zachariah with a snarl.

Bree didn't hesitate, he vanished with the groceries before returning. He didn't want to kill this bastard, but it was time to play 'how many ways can I humiliate you before you get the point?' was Loki's favorite game.

With a single snap of his fingers, Zachariah was trapped in his illusion.


"Has anyone seen Bree since he came back with the groceries?" asked Loki in concern.

"Not for hours, no," said Bobby.

Suddenly Bree returned in a somewhat odd mood.

"Hey dad, what's the most embarrassing thing an angel can deal with in front of others?"

"Why?" asked Gabriel, suspicious.

"I have Zachariah at my whim, and I'm putting him through a modified version of the mystery spot. Sam and Dean have already given me some ideas to use on the bastard."

They had been far too happy to help repay the arrogant angel for all the crap he put them through, Dean especially.

"How in the hell did you catch that arrogant prick?" said Gabriel.

"He found me and said he wasn't 'tolerating my existence anymore', so I thought a lesson was required. Why?"

"And how long ago was this?" asked Gabriel.

"About six and a half hours ago. The creep's currently stuck in a tentacle illusion," said Bree smugly.

"This I have to see!" cackled Gabriel.

"So you've managed to copy yourself, big deal," snarled Zachariah.

"Why would I bother to do that when I can just use a time turner?" asked Bree, cocking his head. Beside him was an amused Gabriel.

Zachariah snarled at them both, bound by chains that could keep an angel tied down. Around him was a circle made of holy oil and flames.

"Dad, I do believe he needs a demonstration," said Bree.

"Agreed...we can always wipe his mind later," said Gabriel.

Bree unveiled his wings, all four of them. Zachariah's anger tripled at the sight of them. Then he saw the ones on Gabriel's back...which were two more than Bree's. Confusion raged with self-righteous fury. Then recognition and shock.

"You? How can you tolerate that abomination's existence?" demanded Zachariah.

"Because he's my son dumbass. Bree here is the result of Dad's meddling.

"You lie!" said Zachariah.

Bree looked at his father.

"Do it," sighed Gabriel. Bree had modified a simple prayer after learning God wasn't in heaven anymore and hadn't been for centuries now. The prayer was one said in most churches, but it would be very effective at sending Zachariah back into heaven without killing him...and keeping him up there until they let him come back.

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