Chapter 15

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Gabriel waited for everyone to sit down before he went into detail about the whole 'reset equals an alternate reality' thing.

"Basically God and Fate both have this weird ability to 'reset' the clock so to speak, usually at the point where Mary Winchester gets murdered by Azazel. At that time a whole bunch of little things collectively turn into a bigger picture. Normally, Fate resets the clock because certain prophecies never get fulfilled or the world is about to end in a way it doesn't like. Sometimes God does it himself, usually when certain people go off the wrong way and end up making things much worse. Either way things get set back to square one," said Gabriel.

"Give us an example then," said Bobby.

"Dean's already seen one. That future where Sam says yes to Lucy and sets that Croatoan virus loose? That was from the original path many 'retakes' ago. Dean was just unlucky to get caught at the tail end of it," said Gabriel.

"Many times? The world's been destroyed how many times?" said Bobby.

"A hundred and thirty-four. This is try one-hundred thirty-five, and so far things are much better than they were during the first run," said Gabriel flatly.

"How bad?" asked Sam quietly.

"You and Dean split up and come back repeatedly instead of only the once, Sam was the one to kill Lilith and had been with Ruby the entire time Dean was in hell, Dean had severe trust issues...much worse than they are now but still very bad, and Bobby as I recall didn't get his legs back for over a year. Anna, you stole back your grace and ascended to heaven that same night...and Castiel, not much has changed."

"What about Harry?" asked Dean.

"His parents died, he spends ten years with his aunt and abusive uncle and cousin, loses his godfather at fifteen and then kills Voldemort after committing suicide and becomes Master of Death. The problem was that you two never got the full ring of Death, so it was impossible to put him back into his cage since you didn't know about the Hallows. I even died saving your ass by distracting Lucifer," said Gabriel annoyed.

"As I recall, you said the first time around you didn't even want to help the idjits," said Harry with a smirk.

"Why would I? I left heaven because I was sick and tired of my brothers arguing. After I realized what was going on, I figured hell, might as well move things along just to see if this stupid cycle would finally end!" snorted Gabriel.

"So why Harry? Out of all the wizards in the world, why him?" asked Bobby.

"It's because of his status as the Master of Death," said Castiel. "Even if the world was 'reset' as Gabriel put it, that sort of power doesn't exactly go away."

"Which is why I think God had a hand in turning Harry here into a cambion. He's still the Master of Death, but now he's got something that can override it, giving him a semi-normal life," said Gabriel.

"I still think it was punishment for sending me into the past for no other reason than to answer why I had angel blood in me," piped Harry.

"That too," admitted Gabriel.

"So what was his life like before the first reset? You know, after all was said and done?" asked Dean.

"Boring. He married a fan girl, had four kids and a dog, and a dull job as an Auror."

Harry paled, he still had nightmares of that!

"Please for the love of all that is holy say it wasn't Ginny..."

"Ginny Potter and Hermione Weasley. You had a son named Albus-Severus, Lily, James and Sirius."

"Oh god no!" said Harry in horror.

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