Chapter 24

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Bree woke up to the familiar smell of chocolate and the undercurrent of something he always associated with his father. He opened up his eyes to see a worried Gabriel.

"Hey're more trouble than both Winchesters combined! We had to seal your Grace just to keep Michael off our tail," said Gabriel.

"Not my never said it was so bloody hard to control it once I unsealed my wings."

"I wasn't expecting you to try that for at least a few years. Not with Lucifer out on the prowl. I'm not mad kid, but next time try to be more careful."

"I will dad. Where are we...never mind."

Bree spent far too much time in Bobby's panic room. Bobby had even started to call it 'Bree's Room' as a joke because of how often he crashed in there.

If that was so, he was getting a new damn mattress.

"I'll show you some exercises later. Now I need something from you," said Gabriel.

"I'll cook the Loki special later..." whined Bree. He hated waking up in the morning!

"Get up lazybones," said Gabriel, flipping the mattress with Bree on it.

"ARGH! Why you!" said Bree, grabbing a pillow and nailing his father with it.

"Is Bree awake yet?" yelled Dean.

Gabriel opened his mouth to answer, but got a face full of feathers for his trouble. He grinned evilly and grabbed the other pillow and nailed Bree. Dean looked down and got a pillow to the face.

"He's awake," said Dean, spitting out feathers.

"You two idjits are cleaning up that damn mess!" shouted Bobby.

Castiel appeared to see how Bree was doing, only to get nailed by pillows.

"What are you two doing?" he asked.

"Pillow fight. Dad flipped me off the bed, so I retaliated," said Bree grinning. Last time it was a water gun battle because Gabriel had given Jesse a super soaker to get him out of bed in the morning.

Bree had never seen someone learn the water summoning charm so quickly.

"And what is the purpose of this...pillow fight?" asked Castiel curiously.

Bree had a sudden idea.

"Hang on a second."

He vanished and then reappeared with Dean, Sam and Jesse.

"Guys, Castiel doesn't know the purpose of a pillow fight. Care to help me demonstrate?" he asked.

"We'll need pillows," said Dean grinning. Payback time for the attack earlier.

Gabriel snapped his fingers and fluffy pillows appeared. Dean promptly nailed Bree, who attacked Sam. Jesse grinned and got them both, while Gabriel handed Cas a pillow and told him to hit any of the boys with it. He hit Gabriel first.

By the time the feathers were all gone, Bobby had been recording the whole thing with Gabriel's video camera.

"Are you girls done?" he asked. He didn't hear the snap, but he felt something stick all over him before what remained of the pillows hit him.

"Idjits," said Bobby with humor.

"I still do not understand the purpose of that fight," said Cas.

"It's stress release mostly," said Bree.

Gabriel cleaned up the mess with a few snaps of his fingers, but the result was still the same. Bree, Sam and Dean were all a lot more relaxed than they had been coming home, and Dean wasn't suicidal anymore. Bree had done much to mend the bond between brothers. Talking to someone who understood and didn't judge them helped immensely. Plus he had forced Dean, Bobby and Sam into a group session where they got out all their old feelings and just talked. Well, it was less of a group session and more of a kidnapping where Bree locked them up and told them that unless they got everything out in the open they weren't coming out.

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