Chapter 23

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This chapter deals with Bree's time in heaven until he found Ellen's bar.


Bree's first thoughts were...'Crap. I am going to strangle dad for this!'

Bree of course knew he was in heaven from the fact his angle wings were unwilling to stay hidden.

Fortunately the human souls ignored it, though the did give him some odd looks because he asked for directions. After the third time some rookie angel asked him where he was going, he got tired and repeated an odd phrase that he once read from one of his favorite series. Ironically enough, the main character was named after the same pairing most fangirls used in Supernatural fanfiction when it came to yaoi...Sabriel.

After that angels avoided him like the plague.

Finally he came across something that made him pause.

Hogwarts. Curious, he walked into that slice of heaven and was shocked to see himself in a snowball war with the twins. He could feel himself going through the motions, but didn't understand why.

He remembered that was the first time he had ever enjoyed the snowfall, because someone played with him. That someone included him without being told to by their parents.

The children of Surrey avoided him because of the incident where his uncle was killed, believing him to be cursed.

He hadn't minded at the time, having already been alone, but when he got to Hogwarts he realised how lonely he had been.

"Hey! What are you doing, messing in that kid's memories?" came a shout.

Bree flinched, before he saw who was calling him.

"Sorry. Looked like fun and I was bored," he lied.

"If the higher ups find out you were messing in some human's memories, they'll be pissed," said the angel.

"I'll leave in a bit," said Bree. He could see the other angel had only two wings, and angels respected only those of higher authority. If he backed down from someone with only two wings, it would draw suspicion he didn't need.

The angel noticed the extra set.

"Whatever. But you had better leave before a Seraph sees you in here. I heard that jerk Zachariah was on the warpath again," said the angel.

"Thanks for the heads up," said Bree. The angel vanished through the various heavens.

Bree ducked into the castle when he heard someone else coming. It sounded like another angel.

"Dammit, where did that abomination vanish off to?" snarled Zachariah. He had heard that an angel was messing around in a human's territory and suspected it was Bree, since he hadn't said his name first.

Bree felt a surge of panic as the angry Seraph stalked towards the doors, and kept repeating his mantra to keep hidden.

'Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker? Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker...' when he opened his eyes, he was in another memory. This one of familiar woods.

He was torn between being the hunter or the child. Hearing Zachariah nearby, he chose the hunter. He scurried up a different tree and saw the child that had been him waiting for someone to save him, since he no longer trusted the cops to do their job.

Zachariah saw the child and snarled.

"Now I know that abomination is here," he said. He started looking around and even went into the abandoned mine shaft the Wendigo had been in. Bree had already vanished by finding the first road he could.

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