Chapter 19

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Fred and George appeared during a supply run for Bobby with grim news.

"Sirius has been captured by the Ministry. We think they're holding him hostage until Harry comes back to 'reclaim his rightful place as a British Magical' in the words of Dumbledore anyway," said George.

Harry snorted.

"They just don't like the fact that I want nothing more to do with them and only did one thing during the damn war. Did you know Dumbledore's original plan was to have us kill each other off?" said Harry sarcastically.

"In any event, Dumbledore is determined to bring you back, one way or another," said Fred.

"We've overheard him talking to Mum...they're planning to marry you off to Ginny and douse you with potions so that you don't leave again," said George grimly.

"In that case, there is only one appropriate response to this nonsense. I'll be back tomorrow dad," said Harry.

"Don't forget to hide your powers. Someone might connect you to the angels and sell you out to demons just to get out of a contract," said Loki.

"Wait, Loki is your dad? How did that happen?" asked the twins in unison.

"Turns out his last vessel was James Potter. We think it was a prank on God's part as payback for Gabriel sending me into the past just to answer which half I got my angel heritage from."


Harry used the angel method of travelling and was in Gringotts before it switched to the night shift.

"I would like to speak to the goblin in charge of my accounts," said Harry.

"Name or key," said the goblin, bored.

Harry presented his key.

"Verify with blood test, NEXT!"

It took all of five seconds for the goblins to stare at him.

"Are you in fact Mr. Potter?" asked Griphook. He looked nothing like Harry, and had a quiet confidence that the boy had lacked.

"I am Monkey Magic," he replied simply.

"Could you explain the change in appearance?" asked the goblin desperately.

"My father had a 'creature' inheritance that we didn't know about, and when stressed, it came out as a partial manifestation. What you see before you now is the end result of the partial transformation, as the full one would have had some rather unpleasant results later on."

And by that he meant that they would be unable to seal Lucifer again, as only a mortal could hold the Deathly Hallows. If he had ascended fully, then they would have had to wait for the next Master of Death before they could seal him away, which was time they didn't have.

Hence why Harry hadn't forsaken his human side just yet.

The goblins shrugged, but took it as it was. Harry moved anything he felt worth keeping (Mostly any family relics and portraits) and was pleasantly surprised when he learned that there was a picture of 'James' and Lily made after their wedding with his mother's conscience in it. At least now he could speak to his mother properly, since he lived with 'James' in his natural state.

Once that was done, he transferred all of the stocks, holdings, anything worth muggle cash to a new vault for Gabriel Winchester, which was his preferred alternate identity. As Sam was technically a muggleborn hunter who's magic was twisted by demon's blood, Harry knew he had a lot of work to do in order to get Sam's magic straightened out.

Once that was done, he straightened out his finances in the magical world, which was unsurprisingly little. Finally he gave away all the gold in his 'Potter' vault to various charities which never had a thing to do with a Death Eater and were proven as good. Some he gave away to Remus, Sirius, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Fred and George...and two knuts to Dumbledore, along with a rather provocative letter to the old headmaster telling him to kiss his ass, because he wasn't falling for an obvious trap. Once he was out of the bank he was going to retrieve Sirius using the angel's method of getting places.

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