Chapter 17

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Jesse fit into their odd group with disturbing ease. He seemed to get along great with Gabriel, but as Harry had hoped, he looked to the older cambion as an older brother figure.

Harry had a method to his madness, much to Hermione's annoyance. The way he trained Jesse was the same method Gabriel used on him.


Harry had dropped by Hermione's new apartment with some paperwork, and had introduced Jesse to her. She was still annoyed that he had up and left (he had already given her his contacts) without a word of goodbye.

To his surprise Petunia had survived the Death Eaters and Voldemort's reign of terror, though she was little more than a shell at this point. He wouldn't doubt that eventually she would pass on or a demon would possess her, and she would find peace.


"Harry James Potter, you of all people should know that Doctor Who is fiction! Now why on earth would you get plastic surgery to remake your entire image?" she demanded.

"For the last time 'Mione, this wasn't done by plastic surgery. And Doctor Who was the best comparison I could come up with, so sue me."

"Then what is it? Because I know you're not a time lord dammit."

"I recently came into some inheritance on my dad's side. Happy? The end result was that my face and body changed to look like this."

"What inheritance?"

"Creature inheritance would be the only thing I can think of."

"I call bullshit!" said Hermione flatly. She looked ready for a rant, so Harry brought out his wings.

"Are those...?!"

"Yeah. Turned out James Potter wasn't even human, but the vessel for an angel. Like Jesse I'm what's known as a cambion, or half divine creature and half human. Guess Draco's old taunts about me being a half-blood weren't entirely wrong now were they?" said Harry with a sigh.

"Dammit Harry, why does this always happen to you?" said Hermione, reaching into her liquor cabinet.

"Hell if I know. Oh, and you might want to avoid anyone with black eyes from now on. Some idiot let Lucifer out and he's jump started the apocalypse," said Harry conversationally.

"Harry don't be silly, Lucifer doesn't exist. Right? RIGHT?" said Hermione hysterically.

"How long has it been since you checked the Monkey Magic website?" he asked in return.

"Damn you to hell Harry Potter...Damn you and that horrible thing called your life..." said Hermione sobbing for what was left of her sanity.

Harry blinked.

"How in the name of magic did you know I was dragged into hell?" he asked.

"Screw it, I'm off to get shit-faced drunk! And don't you dare come with me dammit!" swore Hermione.

She loved him like a brother, but he drove her to drink. Such was the life of Harry's best friends.

Hermione would later wake up with no memory of where she was or why she was in bed with a rather handsome man with a trench coat.

She would later try to strangle Harry to death when she learned said man was in fact an angel named Castiel who had somehow ended up in the same bar...and swore if he got her pregnant he would be in more trouble than he had ever conceived of.

Gabriel just laughed his ass off when he heard of the incident. And he felt some vindication since apparently God had gotten Castiel into trouble with a human woman too.

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