Chapter 22

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"Oh god...Sam was taken a freaking nerd? That is priceless!" laughed Bree.

Dean and Sam were recovering from a rather close call with a demon. Sam had somehow managed to get captured by a kid who practiced the satanic arts and did what Dean called 'a credible recreation of Freaky Friday', to the amusement of Bree.

Right now they were spending a few days off the hunting game, as Bree had told them he wasn't letting them go on multiple hunts at a time anymore.

They were about to sit down for a cold beer when Cas showed up looking less than pleased.

"Zachariah has found a way around your banishment from Earth. He's gone back to kill your parents," said Castiel.

"He's what?" said Dean.

"Bree banished Zachariah with Gabriel's grace powering it. Apparently he believes killing your parents will be sufficient enough to keep the banishment from being enforced. Unfortunately, he can move in the past without having to worry about Gabriel's power enforcing the judgement."

Bree grimaced.

"Killing me would be impossible because there was already an angel at Hogwarts, right?" said Bree.

"All they know is that in 1978 there was on high-class angel signature in England. That can be explained by your wand Bree since Gabriel placed one of his feathers in it. If you give that to him and then join us later, you can keep their attention to a minimum while we deal with Zachariah."

"Wait, what?"

"I switched out your phoenix feather for one of mine among other things. Cas is right in that it would fool the other angels long enough to keep them from learning about the fact I was using James Potter as a vessel."

"Oh...was wondering what you did to my wand. And no Dean that wasn't a damn euphemism. Grow up," said Bree without looking at the older Winchester.

Dean looked disappointed at the missed chance.

"So what do we do?" asked Sam.

"You three chuckleheads will be dropped off in 1978 while Bree learns how to do it himself. I cant go back because it would screw things up and draw attention from Michael at the very least. Have fun in 1978 boys!" said Gabriel, touching Sam, Dean and Castiel all at once.

"So how do I do the whole Doctor Who thing?" asked Bree dubiously.

"I'll walk you through it. Chances are you'll see Michael, so have a Grave Vial ready to break," said Gabriel.

"But not the Grave Vial right?"

"I'll hold onto that one. You shouldn't break that until we're ready to take out Lucy once and for all. So here's what you do..." said Gabriel.

And surprisingly it was very simple. He just focused on the same feeling as the time-turners and willed himself to a point he recognized. But there was something that had been niggling at the back of his mind for a while now...


Bree looked up the date and suddenly he knew. He couldn't join the Winchesters because he had something he needed to do himself.

He grabbed his bag and started walking to the nearest gas station to get some food.

"Which way to the nearest woods around Surrey?"

"About ten miles that way. That will be ten pounds and fifty pence," said the cashier.

"Thanks...keep the change," said Bree.

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