Chapter 18

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Harry was halfway through lunch when he got the call. Some girl with Chuck's phone begged him to come.

Harry snorted. For one thing, Gabriel already told him that this Becky was just luring him to the first fan convention, and two, he also mentioned that the hotel they were staying at had three psychotic children ghosts that would kill if the woman was taken out through the usual methods.

On the other hand he was a bit bored, and Jesse had started reading the books after Gabriel mentioned them.

"Hey dad, you want to go to a fan convention? Might see some idiot dressed as you there," Harry called out from the kitchen.

"Is it the psychotic children ghosts?" he yelled back.

"Considering the call I just got, most likely."

"Do I get to bring up the site and how many people visited that video of Dean and Sam in TV Land?"

"Sure!" cackled Harry. That particular video shot off like a rocket, and more hunters were eager to see the Winchesters taken down a peg, even if it was by a trickster with his own website.

Some actually commented on the fact that it would have been even more popular had it been John Winchester instead of his sons.

"What about me? Can I come?" asked Jesse.

Harry bent down to Jesse's level.

"Which would you rather do, go to a boring convention with murderous ghosts...or Universal Studios with your parents?" asked Harry.

Jesse thought about that for a minute.

"I'd rather go to the theme park," he decided.

"Remember, if anything happens you come straight back here, okay?" said Harry. Jesse nodded. He liked hanging around Harry and Gabriel. It was fun, and they were so nice to him.

Even if Harry did tend to call him his own personal minion.


Harry took one look at the overweight Dean and scarecrow Sam and about died laughing his ass off.

When he saw the real Dean and Sam, he fell over cackling like a lunatic.

"Dammit, why did you two have to show up?" complained Dean. It was that damn warehouse all over again.

It didn't help that Gabriel had his camcorder and was recording all of this for his site. Dean and Sam were never going to live this down, and he knew it.

Gabriel nearly dropped the camera and Harry about died again when they heard one of the fan forums for the convention. Dean was apoplectic because he knew, he just knew that neither of those two jerks would ever let them live this down, and neither would any other hunter.

He just prayed he could destroy Bobby's laptop before he saw this. Sure he would have to pay for a new one, but it would be worth it to delay this embarrassment for even a few days.

Harry grinned and walked up to Chuck.

"So you're Chuck! Hi, I'm Harry and this is Loki!" said Harry grinning.

"Call him idjit, it's easier to remember," suggested Loki cheerfully.

"What can I do for you?" said Chuck nervously.

"Well, we were hoping you would help us acquire some juicy blackmail material," said Harry smirking.

"And how's that?" asked Chuck, less nervous now that he knew they weren't after him. Considering Loki loved to prank the Winchesters, it didn't take a genius to figure out who they were actually after.

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