- Part 14

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It was 7pm, the designated time me and Alice would meet at the karaoke parlour.

I remember from my first time visiting here with Taiga and Ichinose that there were no security cameras in these rooms. It was one of the few places in the island where surveillance wasn't present.

I was already at the parlour, but Alice was running late, so I was waiting for her in the reception. I was reading a light novel on my phone to kill time.

"Hey, sorry about that!"

Alice arrived not long after, wearing a fluttering pure white dress. She was panting slightly, like she had just rushed over to get here.

"It's no problem. I already booked us a room."

"Oh, that's great!"

Alice beamed, excitedly grabbing my arm.

"Lead the way then, Yuuto-san!"


Lately, Alice has been quite touchy towards me. It was jarring to see her act so close to me after everything that's happened between us.

I'm just glad Yukimura wasn't with us, since I'm pretty sure he'd kill me for this...

"Man it's been awhile..."

Entering the karaoke room, I felt a strange sense of nostalgia. I wasn't a fan of being loud or singing, but I did really enjoy my time here with Taiga and Ichinose.

"Do you come here often?"

Alice wasted no time and sat down on the couch, flipping through the menu to order a drink.

"Sometimes. I usually don't have many friends to go with though."

As she was doing that, I was flicking through the song catalogue on the karaoke machine to decide what I wanted to sing.

"Ah, I see. Back in April, I used to come here nearly everyday with my friends after school to hang out, since we had so many points to spare. Nowadays though, I barely come here, since I'm trying to save up. What drink do you want, by the way?"

"I'll take a grape soda."

"Aren't you fancy? Let me place the order."

"Grape soda is pretty normal, I think..."

I put down the remote and sighed, crossing my arms. Alice scooted over to me on the sofa.

"Can't decide on a song?"

"Yeah... I feel like doing something rock, but it's way too embarrassing."

"Eh, you're into rock music? I didn't expect that."

"What did you think I listen to?"

"I don't know, you strike me as the classical music type."

"I might be a bit slow, but I'm not old fashioned..."

Alice laughed, slapping my shoulder lightly.

"You say that, but I've noticed recently that you've been trying to look more cool and hip."

"I swear that's unintentional... these sunglasses were a gift from an upperclassman and Shouko-san was the one who said I looked good with my shirt untucked."

"Well yeah, no duh. I think you were one of the few people in class who actually tucked their shirt in. I don't know how you put up with it, it feels so uncomfortable."

"I was just trying to follow the dress code since Chabashira-sensei that was one of the things that made us lose all our class points."

"Eh, it's a small price to pay to look stylish."

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