SS Katsumi Kou: Fujimura's Party

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Fuaaa... I was feeling really wakuwaku about this...

Today was the day of Shouko-san's birthday party. She had booked out a small venue in Drachma Red to host it, and me and Takayuki-kun were preparing to go to it this evening.

"D-do you have everything, Kou-san...?"

Knowing how forgetful I am, Takayuki-kun gently reminded me to check all my pockets twice. Phone, check... wallet, check... keys, check...

"Yup, I've got it all!"

Yay, I didn't forget anything this time! Go me!

"Um... are you sure?"

I patted my pockets and rummaged through my bag two more times. Phone, check... wallet, check... keys, check...

"Absolutely, positively, 100%, I am not missing anything!"

Takayuki-kun sighed and slowly took out a small box covered in wrapping paper.

"Y-you left this on your desk..."

"Oh, crap!"

That was my present for Shouko-san! How could I forget to bring that?!

"A ha ha ha... thanks Takayuki-kun, you're a lifesaver..."

It would've been really bad if I forgot that...

"Don't forget the card too."

Takayuki-kun smiled slightly and presented me with the card I wrote for Shouko-san yesterday.

"Oh, right, right! What would I do without you and your big brain..."

I wept, but it was true... I need to stop being so air headed all the time. It's not fair to Takayuki-kun, who's always cleaning up after my mistakes.

"Umm... I-I think that should be it..."

For some reason, he sounded anxious himself. There's no way Takayuki-kun would forget something.

"Do you have your presents and birthday card?"

"Y-yeah, they're in my handbag... um... let's see..."

Takayuki-kun thought for a few seconds and shook his head.

"N-never mind, I'm being paranoid... let's go."

"Yay! I can't wait!"

While I'm excited to celebrate Shouko-san's birthday, what I was honestly looking forward to more was seeing Mikitaka-san again...

Uwaaaaa, just thinking about him makes my face feel all hot and bothered! It should be illegal for a man to be so strong and cool and good-looking!

Earlier, I called my wingman Takanori-kun asking for advice, and he said I should take any opportunity I can to speak with him during the party, since a lot of people were going to be there.

I can't let my nervousness get the better of me... there's no way I can get close to him if I don't take a step forward and talk to him...!

C'mon Katsumi Kou, you can do this! You can talk to Mikitaka-san without devolving into a gibberish mess!

I slapped my cheeks twice and pumped my fists. Takayuki-kun looked at me strangely, but I laughed it off.

"I-I had no clue this sort of place existed in Drachma Red..."

When we arrived at the venue, Takayuki-kun stared at the building in awe. It wasn't anything too special though. It was probably smaller than most venues, but that was to be expected living out in the boonies.

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