Omake SS Takanori Yuuto: Big Drachma in Little Italy

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"Say, do you want to come to a dinner party with me?"


While we were on the train heading to Stark White, Kurosaki suggested that.

"I got invited to a dinner party by someone, and they said I could bring one more person along."

"They did?"

In the first place, I was surprised that Kurosaki got an invite. Like me, she was a loner, so I thought she didn't have any friends, but it seems this wasn't the case apparently.

Maybe I should've expected this... even if she doesn't have any friends, she'd still be a desirable person to invite to a dinner party because of her high status and impressive feats at this school.

But... inviting me? Isn't that scraping the bottom of the barrel a little bit...?

"Of course, I don't have that many friends, so I was wondering if you wanted to tag along."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind... but are you sure about asking me?"

"If I tried to ask that prude Kishou, he'd probably tell me to take my studies seriously instead."

"I guess. When is it?"

"This evening."

"Wait, is this why you dragged me all the way out here?"

"Yup, fu fu."

So I was tricked into joining from the very start... Kurosaki laughed strangely, patting my head.

"Aww, don't make that kind of face. Trust me, I think you'll enjoy it."

"I don't have much choice now, do I...?"

I sighed, following Kurosaki as she brought me to the student dormitories.

As we boarded the elevator, she instructed me to take off my Drachma Red tie and put on a spare Stark White one she had in her pocket, for my own safety. This way, I would blend in and not attract any attention.

The elevator pinged, and we got off on 4th floor, which is where all the 1st Year girls are... wait, this is bad. What if one of them recognises me? Wouldn't they think it's weird I have a Stark White tie? Or that I'm with Kurosaki?

Suddenly, I wanted to get out of here.

"Let's see, which room was it..."

Kurosaki hummed, wandering around. I stuck close by her, not wanting to be seen alone by the other occupants of the dormitories. If a girl saw me here by myself, they'd assume I'm some sort of pervert and kill me on the spot.

"I think was it."

Kurosaki stopped in front of a door and knocked on it. A few minutes later, someone answered, opening the door. My eyes widened at who it was.

"Huh... ehh, Kurosaki-senpai, what are you doing here?!"

It was Minamoto Kumi, the girl who held a grudge against me because her BFF Shigaisoshi-sama touched me once.

"Yo, Kumi. Is Bel and the others in here?"

Wait, Bel? As in her classmate, Belphagor Shirokawa? What was he doing here, in a 1st Year girl's room of all places?

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