|13| Non-Existent Sexual Life

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Above is Lily Collins as Nicole Wilde(but with straight hair)

"Mom and dad are going to kill you."

Her voice is velvety soft, like I had heard in the movies I binge watched. The only thing separating me from an A-list celebrity was a thin hospital curtain. My pulse started to race a bit more the closer we got to the greenish curtain and I am almost distracted by Nicole Wilde. Almost.

"That sounds just like them, I'm disposable anyways." Noah's harsh, yet incredibly sensual voice sends my heart flying out of my chest. Swooning and beating.

The nurse in front of me holds a finger up to halt me from lifting the curtain myself, though I don't think my sweaty palms would've had a good enough grip on them. She uses her tanned hand to pat a few times on the curtain. It was silent before, but now the silence had become so dead that I could hear Noah's deep breaths from the other side. The siblings on the other side must be giving each other questioning looks. I'm so close, but also out of reach.

Finally, Nicole clears her throat and shoos us confidently. "We'll be just a moment." I hear a high heel clock on the ground and Nicole starts speaking to her brother again in a voice that's almost hard to hear. "Noah, mom and dad do not think of you like that."

"Well then you clearly don't know the same parents I do, though that shouldn't be much of a surprise, Miss Perfect!"

I could basically listen to Nicole's patience snap. Like the professional she is, she tries to hold it in with a large inhale, but the exhale comes out choppily.

"Noah," she says sharply, probably through gritted teeth. "Dad and mom love you. We can argue about it when you're not laying in a hospital bed, still drunk, behind an extremely thin cloth. I'm going to let the nurse in."

Sophisticated. Demanding. Proud. Exactly how I imagined this girl.

A moment later the curtain opens enough for a thin body to pass through, Nicole. Seeing her now, she doesn't look much different from her photo shoots or her roles in movies. Maybe a bit more tired. Her ironing board straight hair and makeup still look professional. You can barely see the exhaustion behind her smile.

She takes an easy glance at the nurse, but a flash of confusion happens when her eyes roll over me behind her blue eyes that I just now realize are so much like Noah's.

"Sorry to keep you... two waiting." Her eyebrow is arched and she's looking mostly at me. "Are you here to visit my brother?"

I'm star struck. You would be too. This girl has been to the Academy Awards; she's kissed Angelina Jolie's cheek! Her phone contact list is probably filled with celebrities Liv would be dying to call. I'm trying to remember if there were any paparazzi in front of the hospital when I arrived. It feels like such a long time ago.

My mouth opens, but nothing comes out and my face heats up immediately. Instead, I give a robotic nod, then look down bashfully.

"I'm Noah's sister, Nicole. You?"

How can she introduce herself so casually? Like, I don't know who she is. My palms rush to wipe themselves on my leggings, terrifying me that she'd want to shake my hand. I don't know if the fangirl inside of me will live long enough for us to do such a simple gesture.

I think I've forgotten my name. "Juliet, but I go by Julie." Nope, so far so good.

The corner of her lips lift at me one more time before turning to the nurse and thanking her. The nurse's hair sways behind her as she walks to help some other patient. Nicole turns back to me, one hand reaching for the curtain. This is basically the moment of truth.

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