|3| New Year, New Jerks

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By the looks of my homeroom, I know that this'll be an interesting year.

I'm lucky to be with Cass, but the other students will be the ones who are interesting. We have your typical pair or triplet of popular girls who always just keep to themselves. Dean Harrison is the craziest kid you will ever meet and that's partially because he has insane parents who let him throw parties daily. Joshua Sinclair, who is the smart-ass player of the grade sits a few rows behind me and while Mr. Reed(our homeroom teacher) was speaking, he made farting noises to his friends. I really wonder when that kid will mature. Last year, my class was very dull, but I am ecstatic about this year because I like being in an exciting classroom.

We also have a new girl this year. No doubt all the guys will check her out.

She walked in with the 'popular' girls(a.k.a. The rude/snotty/sassy/bitchy bitches), but she looked so uncomfortable that I instantly gave her a thumbs up. During attendance, Mr. Hoffman named her as Rowan Carlton. Everyone(surprisingly not only the pervy guys) looked at her and of all people she could've shot a smile at, she chose me. So flattered, but flattery will get you nowhere.

The millisecond she smiled is really when I noticed how pretty she was. It wasn't that kind of smug or snarky smile I usually get from my peers, it's the kind that would make you want to invite them over for lunch smile.

Anyways, her black hair that she died the ends an auburn color makes her purposely tanned skin glow. Damn girl, I need tanning lessons from you cause I can't tan even of my life depended on it. She scans through the crowd of her new classmates with her light grey eyes. Or are they just blue?

Homeroom drags on for a 15 minutes before we can leave. Time for math! Oh joy.

As you can tell, I thoroughly enjoy the concept of the mathematics.

"I'm Rowan, hi. Can you, if it's not too much trouble, help me get to my Advanced Science class. It's room 213." She's just next to me suddenly after Cass says goodbye. Not that I mind helping.

Hugging my binders closer against me, I return her previous smile in a teasing way. "Ah, new girl is a smart chick, I see? Just playing, I'm Julie. I'm going to room 214, so you can follow."

She doesn't even smile-which hurts-but I guess it is okay because of first day jitters. I lead her to her class, which is evidently filled with seniors. My own class hands me Noah. Noah freakin' Wilde, alter ego: Pretty Boy.

He acknowledges me barely, flicking a glance in my direction. Girls are already whispering about him and developing their little crushes. A guy who looks like Noah must understand how to deal with that.

Even though I try to listen to Ms. Anderson, I can't help looking to Noah, who happens to be sitting behind me. How convenient, if he even remembers me.

Well, if he doesn't remember an event that happened 2 days ago, I would suggest he see a doctor.

"I know you all are juniors now, but that doesn't mean you can party hard at night and barely show up to school, the next day. Last year, I've had kids who would show up to class completely wasted. As a teacher, I don't wish that for any of you, so I will reinforce this rule and so will your other teachers. We have decided to pair you up with another student in your class and in this case, math class."-Insert loud groans-"If you are going on vacation, sick, or are missing school for a good reason, you will inform your buddy and they will report to the office. This way, we can tell the drunk ones vs. the people who are away for an actual reason and you guys can make new friends. I highly suggest you to exchange numbers or emails or what you crazy kids use these days."

We sound like a bunch of mad dinosaurs. Growling, groaning and hitting our foreheads against the desk. What a stupid idea. Honestly. We don't need an extra stalker in our lives. Clearly, there is no arguing, so all I can hope is to get paired with Liv, Cass or even that nice new girl.

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