|8| Queen Of Awful Comebacks

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To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Not gonna be at school today. Sick: (

I groan. Did he have to be sick today? We're finally getting our first assignments for The Top 10 Young Photographers and it's the Photographer Mixer today, which is a little gathering for all of the participants. He knows that I'm not good socially!

To: Dumbass

From: Juliet

You have no immune system.

To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Remember to report that I'm sick or else they'll call my parents and tell them that I've got a hangover. My parents won't be happy to receive that call again.

What the actual fuck. I've had a sip of beer before and nearly threw up. No, it wasn't because I was drunk. The beer tasted so bitter and I still wonder how people drink that stuff.

I pull my hair into a ponytail and tie it tightly. Unlike a lot of girls, my hair isn't the problem when getting ready. It's straight and smooth enough for me to run my fingers through even without brushing. I don't think I'm fat, but not a twig either. One thing, I have small boobs and my hips aren't exactly desirably wide either. Also, I'm pretty short, standing at 5 4". The taller girls tower over me and don't even get me started about the boys.

Liv used to try to get me to wear skinny jeans to elongate my legs, but they are just the world's most uncomfortable clothing. When you bend down, the waistband lowers to past your butt crack. I've opted for leggings which are not pants, according to everyone. If they aren't pants, then why do they slip on your legs and cover your touche like real pants are supposed to? Point proven.

To: Dumbass

From: Juliet

Well, fuck you.

I wonder if he can tell that I'm not much of a morning person.

To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Maybe when I stop coughing;)


My phone slips from my grasp and falls against my carpet. For once, I'm thankful for there to have been carpet instead of hardwood because if it were to be, my phone may have not made it out alive with the cracks I already have.

I decide to ignore his more than weird statement and slide my leggings on. A thin white top finds itself on me and I'm out the door, not even bothering with breakfast. It's too early in the morning to deal with Rosie.

School is same old and a little bland without Noah to call me Regina or to annoy me in some other way. The teachers didn't believe me when I told them that Noah was sick. They kept asking me if I'm sure and whispering about how I'm just the poor girlfriend who has to cover for her boyfriend, no matter how many times I tell them that we aren't together. 

I also had to submit our weekly photos to prissy Jen for the newspaper. I can imagine her wearing a lady suit and a pencil skirt to her prom. Anyways, she was extremely happy to see the pictures we took to match the articles written and some for our own photography section, which are just random photos of students that will most likely think that they look horrid and kill us.I took a picture of a girl with a bit of broccoli stuck in her braces and I can't say that I didn't choose that picture on purpose.

"You need help picking out an outfit for the mixer?" Liv bounces beside be just as the school bell rings. She's wearing her mahogany brown hair in two loose braids and has a black and white polka dot trousers over a short sleeve white short top. That is just like Liv, finding a way to rebel against the system.

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