|15| Smug Bastard

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"Welcome to the humble Wilde residence. Please take off your shoes outside of the door or be smacked with a duster by Helen."

Humble is not the correct term for this house. From the outside, it looks twice the size of my old home and who knows how many of my new one. It's assembled with glittery white and light grey bricks. The first thing you see when you enter is a wide winding staircase leading to a higher floor and a chandelier strapped to the ceiling, many meters above us. Next to the staircase is an entryway to the rest of the home. I can't help stare at my crystal clear reflection on the ground. The wooden double door we just stepped in to a delicious scent of apple pie was left ajar as we met with a very blonde older lady.

She practically breathes Noah in, tearing up, before pulling him into her arms. I'm taken by surprise when she even moves to hug me. "Oh my dear, I was so worried! Danielle didn't call me until very late and when I rushed to the hospital, the secretary said that a pretty blonde girl took you home. I knew it had to be the wonderful Juliet that Noah has told me so much about!"

I don't have to look at Noah to feel his embarrassment. Mine comes too, as I realize that he's told someone about me. And someone seemingly close, too. Maybe the only parental figure in his life.

"I'm fine." He gingerly places a loving hand on the Helen's(I'm guessing this is who would have smacked me if I didn't take off my shoes) shoulder. She wasn't lying about worrying, you can see the sleepless under eye circles. "How was the date?"

"No, no, no! We are not changing the subject, young man! Overdose is not a light subject."

Noah's eyes shut and his head falls back, but he's smiling. Smiling like I've never seen him smile before. "How long am I grounded for?"

Helen matches his smile with a smirk. "A month."

"That's not fair!" His smile falls faster than me trying to back away to the door, feeling extremely uncomfortable to be invading their house and privacy. "The last time Danielle came home wasted, she only got 3 weeks!"

"It's completely fair. She didn't overdose. She wasn't sent to the hospital. She didn't interrupt my date and had me sweating buckets." Her chubby fingers fly to her waist matter-of-factly. Not even a moment later, she notices me slowly prying the door open. "Hey! Stay! For some apple pie?" She puts the warmest smile I've seen in months on.

I was about to decline, my mind working up some excuse when Noah grabbed my hand. It's like a shot of electricity went from my hand to my stomach and I could no longer form words. Noah could, apparently. "Helen's pie is bomb, you have to try it."

His very blue eyes grinding into my green ones, almost telepathically telling me that we still needed to talk. I follow them through spacious hallways until we reach a sparkling kitchen. As we got closer to the pie, I feel drool coming on. On the granite counter sits the absolutely beautiful delicacy.

Noah leads me to a stool next to the counter and I plop myself down, not taking my eyes off of the food as Helen cuts it like a pro. She gives me the first piece and I burst with happiness on the inside.

I didn't have breakfast, did I? Gosh, I'm such an idiot.

"It looks delicious." I'm barely patient enough to wait until the others got their slices.

"Thanks, sweetheart. I bake the best under stress." Her eyes narrow at Noah, who shrugs nonchalantly, eyeing the slice of pie before him.

I only notice that we've been holding hands this whole time by the sudden coldness when he lets go to grab his utensils. He sends me a side glance as if to ask if I was okay. Simply, I nodded and dug a fork into the pie. To say the least, it was absolutely mouthwatering.

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