|18| Sisters From the Same Mister

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Entering the yacht, I try to find Noah. To apologize, maybe? Perhaps it's time to be real with him and tell him that we can't be together for his benefit. It isn't fair to be torturing him like this.

The crowd of people wearing designer outfits swarm the place, laughing and talking in melodic voices. I feel terribly out of place; a blonde little girl carrying a camera, looking wildly everywhere for a boy.

"Are you lost?" a feminine voice asks from behind me.

I spin around, expecting to see a woman in a fancy dress, carrying a platter of cocktails or something. I am completely mistaken. Instead, there's a familiar young girl standing there, looking sheepish and uncomfortable, probably just as I am. She can't be older than me, youth still framing her face beautifully. Oh god, now I'm sounding like my mom.

Well, despite being younger, she's the same height as I am and has the same annoying pointed nose I do that makes me look like Phineas from Phineas and Ferb.

When I don't respond, her face turns a bright shade of pink and she mumbles, "I like your camera."

Not wanting to make her feel even more embarrassed, I force a smile on my face, despite all that happened in the parking lot and brightly thanked her. "I'm here taking pictures."

She nods her head a few times before politely looking anywhere but my face. I can tell that's clearly not enjoying speaking to me, which I don't take personally because it's quite obvious that she's a quieter and shyer girl, who for some reason decided to step out of her comfort zone and I respect that.

"You don't have to be afraid to talk to me."

A few too awkward moments passes before she tucks a black strand of hair behind her ear. Taking a deep breath, she seems a lot more comfortable with herself. "You're lucky. You're getting paid to be here. It kinda sucks for me today, I have to sit through my dad's wedding."

I give her the most sympathetic look I can muster, my mind still wandering off to Noah. It's not like I can't sympathize with her, though, so I'm not entirely fake. I can imagine if this were my dad's wedding. He might be an ass, but I'd hate to see him marry someone other than my mom. I was used to him loving mom, and it would be unbearable to see him love a different woman. Not to mention how awkward and terrifying it would be for me considering he knows what happened with Cullen.

"I wish I got paid. I'm friends of the bride, I guess you could say. And I'm entering a photography contest, so these photos are important." I look down at my camera, realizing that I actually did have to take pictures for the contest. I guess it never registered because I, for some reason, kept thinking that Noah would be bringing me here to introduce to his friends and family that I was his girlfriend. Plainly, not the case.

"So, do you not know anyone either?" Her eyes open wider.


She smiles. "You can sit with me if you want. My sister was supposed to be here, but she got caught up at Yale with all the homework and stuff."

"Damn, Yale? What's she studying?" I ask, genuinely curious now. In a few months, I'll be applying for university too.

Something goes over the girl's eyes, like the same thing that goes over mine when I think about Cullen. In a moment it's gone and she casually looks down at her phone. "Uh, law. Which, of course, my mom adores to brag about."

Ah, I know what that is. Caitlin's spoken to me so many times about how she's been overshadowed by her twin brother for too long before she stepped into the light too. The look in her eye was the same one I have with Cullen because just like me, this girl regrets something. I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but I think it's her sister.

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