|17| The Epitome of Impossible Situations

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"You're quite jumpy today, Juliet." My mom opens the door to my room without even knocking, one of my biggest annoyances not to mention, and I jump 5 feet from my closet and end up tripping on a hangar, falling flat on my little booty. Gosh.

I was mid-process of picking out a nice dress for Helen's wedding tomorrow. I know I should have picked it out earlier, but thinking about it made me tired. I have to spend the whole day smiling and dancing around Noah's relatives in freaking heels. I'm already klutzy enough in sneakers, it's not hard to imagine me tumbling out of the side of the yacht in 3 inch stilettos.

Yes, it's going to be on a yacht. Whoever she's marrying is clearly rolling in it. Like, a lot of it.

I push myself off the floor, not missing the opportunity to full on death stare at my mother. "I was looking for something to wear and you randomly jump out, like, I think I have the right to be a little surprised."

She isn't amused with my tone, saying, "Sweetheart, are you okay? You seem really stressed lately."

"I'm fine, mom."

I'm not. Noah, school, and the shock of Cass' secret are really casting a toll on me. Not that I don't totally support her in any of her choices, but it's just something that you never expected. I've known her almost my entire life, I feel like I should have known sooner. Am I that oblivious to my own best friend?

"You know you can talk to me if you ever have anything. Don't think it's awkward to approach me for advice about guys, or relationships, or sex—"


Oh my gosh, I did not need that. Was she really giving me the talk now? And how is she so blind that it's not me that she should be talking about this kind of stuff with and instead, Rosie. I still can't that night she and Kolton had sex against my door out of my mind.

Mom approaches me, worry defining her face. She lifts my chin and brushes back a strand of my hair, giving my the most nostalgic feeling ever in my stomach. "Oh god, I was right."

I scrunch my eyebrows and look at all the wrinkle lines on my mother. "Right about what?"

"About you and Noah," she says nonchalantly. I'm opening my mouth to protest, when she cuts in, "I'm just hoping that you two are being safe. I'll call your doctor to book an appointment about birth control."

Oh. My. God.

She's so far off. So, so far off. We've never even kissed before. Not directly on the mouth anyways. Whatever fling we did have, it's over now.

Why do moms always assume the worst?

"Mom... no..." I take a deep breath to prevent myself from yelling at her. "Noah and I aren't even seeing each other. It's completely platonic. He just invited me to his housemaid's wedding so we can take pictures for the contest."

It feels weird saying the truth. I didn't even realize that I was kidding myself. This isn't some sort of romantic way for him to ask me out(not that I would've said yes or anything), it was just a way for us to get the photos we needed for a stupid competition. We're not gonna dance together and he's definitely not gonna introduce me to any relatives. I'll be that awkward person who sits there and eats, while everyone is having a grand time.

Mom gets a glint in her eye, which worries me. "So you were looking for what to wear for tomorrow? Like a dress, perhaps?"

I nod, pursing my lips. What is this crazy lady thinking?

"Hey, Rosie's out with her friend Madeline for the day, so why don't you and I go shopping for something to wear tomorrow?"

She's smiling so widely and excitedly, it would be impossible for me to turn her down, so I don't. I hardly have any time to hang out with my mom because of our busy schedules and most teenagers would think that it's a blessed thing to have because moms are embarrassing and whatnot, but I actually miss the times we were really close. So of course, I agree.

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