|1| It's Not Arrogance, It's Confidence

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"Dude, you almost knocked me over!" Cass halts me with her hand, nearly sending me over Mount Everest.

"I'm not a dude."

Her blue eyes dance with amusement, as they always do when she is having fun. I have a secret theory that the reason I first noticed her was because of her eyes. Been friends with her since the 5th grade, I know the 50 shades of blue her eyes turn to match her emotion. They're like those mood rings that you get in Pennsylvania that never really work.

"Fine," she lets go of my scooter, "Dudette, you nearly knocked me over! Is that better princess?"

Liv rolls in(literally) before I get a chance to call her my slave, as I would usually. "Come on slowpokes! We're not getting anywhere by chatting on the streets. Starbucks is up ahead!"

Starbucks and Liv should just get married already. She probably goes there to use the bathroom, just so she can smell the 'freshly boiled coffee and delicious baked goods'. Her words, not mine.

"Please not again! This is like the freakin' eighth time we've been there this week and I think the baristas are beginning to think we're cray cray." She draws circles with her index finger around her ear.

I swing an arm around Cass' shoulder and ride slowly only using one hand. "Nah. I'm pretty sure they're just checking you out."

I speak the truth. I wish you could see the guy baristas' faces and maybe even some of the girls', I don't judge. Cass is tall, slender, and beyond imaginably pretty. After all, her mother was once a Victoria's Secret supermodel. Fortunately, Cass is way too classy for that.

She practically shoves me into the glass window. I love how she can be totally violent, but her mom is so calm and collected. If the two didn't look alike, I wouldn't believe they were related.

Liv spends our ride to Starbucks talking about her latest crush, Matthew Ford. From what she tells me, he's the 'perfect package' and 'doesn't go to our school', meaning he's probably one of those creepy private school kids who obsesses over Star Wars.

 Whoever she's crushing on, there's going to be that new guy at our school next week on our first day of junior year who sweeps everyone off of their feet. It happens every year and I always steer clear of them because they're either a creep or they think of themselves as the king of the universe, which, if you're that kind of guy, sorry to break it to you, but you aren't. Knock it off.

"Double Chocolaty Chip Creme Cappucino please," Liv grins at the cashier who asked what we wanted. Why are all the drinks at Starbucks a hundred words long?

"I'll have that Chai Crème Crappuccino thing that gives you energy." Cass tells the cashier after Liv, who is now facepalming herself. "I'm tired because I had early morning softball practice. Thanks."

The cashier lady looks at me expectantly. I never know what to get. Once, I got the same thing as Liv and it was a disaster. The drink had something to do with cinnamon and I hate cinnamon with a passion. I guess you can predict how that ended.

I stare at the cashier for a second before ordering, "A Strawberry Lemonade would be nice."

Beside me, Liv groans. She's always wanted to make a Starbucks lover out of me and it's hard for her to do that when I order drinks that are only 2 words long. 

"Can I have your names?" the barista taps a few buttons on her screen and looks to Liv. She must've seen Liv around so many times that she expects her to know the drill, which she does and beng her best friend, I do too.

"I'm Olivia. The tall blonde is Cassidy and the one who ordered a drink that you can make at home is Julie." Her eyes find mines pointedly and I just shrug, knowing that she's way too awesome to be mad at her best friend..

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