|19| Be The Goody-Goody

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This chapter contains touchy content that may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 13. Please read at your own risk.

"I need you to stop this wedding."

Noah whips around to face me, an impeccable look of shock drawn onto his gorgeous features. I stand under his gaze, furious at the impossible dilemma my father has given me. My father of all people for goodness sake.

In the end, I decide to be selfish. Not because I choose to let the wedding go on for the sake of keeping my dirty secret, but because I wanted to protect Noah and I couldn't bear having him hurt. When did I become so full of emotions?

I figure that if I didn't stop this cursed marriage, my dad would ruin this happy ending like he ruined all of the others. I think about what happened to me and what happened to Viola, and I make the immediate decision that Noah doesn't deserve that. He's been nothing but sweet to me even though I've been a bit... difficult. Even though Helen isn't Noah's mother, he's a significant parental figure in his life, especially since his real parents are off worrying about his sister. If Helen got hurt, Noah would feel no less pain for her than if she were his actual mother. I know what that pain feels like and I will do anything to protect Noah from having to endure it.

"Juliet, what?" He quirks an eyebrow at me as if he were expecting me to punch his bicep and tell him that I'm simply playing with him.

I make eye contact with him and press my lips together, forcing him to take me seriously. And he does, his features gaining concern. "Helen is marrying the bastard that is my father and he will do nothing but hurt her!"

A few guests turn my way at the loudness and harshness of my tone. Immediately, I dial it down to a sharp whisper. "He left my mother and had two families at once, maybe even more. Women are just numbers to him and if I were you, I wouldn't want someone I love to become a number."

"Jules, you're being a little bit irrational here, don't you think?" He folds his arms over his chest, shaking his head. I'm about to defend myself when he continues, "I told you that met the guy when I was photographing for them, unless that went in one ear and out the other like most of the thugs I tell you these days. He was in no way a bastard. Maybe you're thinking too within your comfort zone. He can be a changed man."

I think back to the threats he made about telling the world about what I did to Cullen if I told Helen his history.

"Definitely not a changed man."

This makes Noah cock his head in a way I wish wasn't so adorable. Ugh, Juliet, focus.

If he won't do it, then I might as well. Mom will be pissed and I'm probably going to have to break a few rules to see the bride before the ceremony, but it will be worth it. I turn to leave, when Noah catches my wrist.

"Juliet, you can't keep doing this to me!" He turns around and starts pacing in a circle, right hand shoved into his once perfect hair.

Now it's my turn to cock my head. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You always lead me on! You come here asking me to ruin this day that means so much to one of the women I love the most and you lead me to think you're going to give me a reasonable explanation, but you don't. You lead me on to a point where I think I'm getting somewhere, but then you pull out a line that throws me off!"

People are definitely staring now.

He takes a deep breath and softens when he sees the tears forming in my eyes. Quickly, I wipe them away, not being the type of girl who likes to cry in public.

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