|21| Two Guys in One Day

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I try to forget about it.

It's completely not true, so why should I care?

Besides, I can't even figure out who posted it because they are using a code name. Their Instagram handle is sanfranciscoexposed and other than me, their are twenty other posts "exposing" other kids, some whom I recognize and others I don't. Most of them feature a picture of a couple being intimate in one way or another and an extremely horrible caption. One post even forces this poor boy to come out of the closet.

All I know is that whoever runs this account is unbelievable. Why on earth would you spend your time doing this? Don't you have a life?

I doubt anyone will actually believe it, right? I'm pretty much known as the goody-two shoes of my grade, so this is a big stretch for me. So, I should definitely just pretend this didn't even happen.

This was a great mentality until Noah texted me likely after the wedding ceremony. Just great, he probably saw Jacob and I kissing.

To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Is that really you in that photo with the redhead guy?

I bite my lip in contemplation. I was still slightly irked at him about his assumptions about what happened with Cullen and his refusal to warn Helen, so I almost want to make up this whole story about a budding relationship with Jacob. It's especially tempting to make him jealous after knowing that I likely have no chance with Noah after being so rude to him the last few days since our almost kiss and after telling him what I did to Cullen.

To: Dumbass

From: Juliet

Yeah, it's me. I can't believe someone would do that. Now, he's going to be so weirded out by me.

Hey, it's technically not a lie at all. Jacob is probably asking himself why he put himself through all this high school drama again.

To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Wait, so you're actually interested in the guy?

To lie or not to lie? Maybe I should just tell him the truth.

But, why should I? After him yelling at me basically twice today? And what do I have to lose? Literally, everything horrible that could've happened to me actually happened today.

To: Dumbass

From: Juliet

Yeah, of course I'm interested. Have you seen him?

I feel pure satisfaction about this message. A pretty boy like Noah Wilde deserves someone to beat down his ego a little bit. We all know that it is sky high right now, so this really can't hurt. Besides, who's to say that I am not interested in Jacob. He's got the accent going for him as well as his great face and possibly even greater body. 

To: Juliet

From: Dumbass

Since when?

To: Dumbass

From: Juliet

Since when has this become an interrogation? I've liked him pretty much since the day I met him, which was way before I knew he was involved with the Top 10 Photographers, if you're wondering, asshole.

I cannot believe him. After all we have been through, he doesn't even know me well enough to not question me about when I met this guy. Of course, I would never ever use somebody to get somewhere in life. I can't believe he would believe that stupid instagram post over a girl who has been one of his closest friends for the past months. 

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