5: Some Jazz Shit

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Monday. The day everybody dreads, the day most likely to be gloomy and cloudy, pathetic fallacy will you please stop.
I made my way through the corridors walking towards the music room. Even though it's lunch I like to go to the music room and practice or do some work, at least I don't have to interact with stubborn people.
A bonus is that on Mondays after lunch we have music anyway so I don't have to leave the room, I just make my way to my seat.

The bell rang signalling that lunch was over and people made their way to their next class.
The class piled up from just having one person to now 24. But there wasn't 24 people in here, I looked around and saw that Van wasn't in his seat maybe he's out near the gates finishing off a cigarette.
My prediction was right as he soon enough joined the class rather late, he slowly made his way to his chair, his long hair covering his face so he couldn't see everyone looking at him.

Mr Humphrey told us to get into pairs and search up some Jazz player, I instantly looked over to Van who was talking to Edward. I looked back down and started to fidget with my hands knowing that he actually didn't want to work with me and probably just got my hopes up.
"Cait, you coming?" Van's voice spoke louder than usual and signalled me to where he was sat near the computer.
I made my way over trying to be as calm as possible but it was hard when some people were whispering and pointing at us.
"Just ignore them. Their all pricks" Van scoffed and pulled the chair out next to him so I could sit down.
"So we have to make a PowerPoint on some jazz shit" he looked at me
"I don't really like jazz. but seeing as your posh and that do you know anything about it" he joked.
"Shut up" I laughed nudging him lightly.
He laughed showing some of his teeth which was rare because in primary everyone used to bully him about he's teeth, ever since then he's been insecure about smiling. I don't understand why his smile was so real and not put on.
"Let's get this over with" I rolled my eyes before taking control of the mouse.

After music had ended I made my way to my next class. Walking down the hallway to find a group of girls just talking and holding everybody up (my college had a lot of people) when I finally got through I heard someone calling my name, I looked around and saw no one. I turned back and made my way into my English class.

Unfortunately we had to work in groups for a project and in my group were two girls who I used to hang around with. Kaley and Lexi they were two of the most popular girls in our year, they wasn't nice popular girls either. As you've probably guessed they only wanted to be my friend because of my parents wealth.

"Yeah then what?" Lexi asked while leaning over a boy named Sam in the group.
"Then we can add metaphors, similes, hyperboles and all the rest of that shit" Kaley answered for Sam who was just sat there in complete awe over Lexi.
Kaley glanced at me and smiled an ignorant smile which made my blood boil.
It was the worst hour of my life.

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